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Chris Baker

Christopher Baker

Program Executive

Follow NASA Technology

Christopher Baker currently serves as the program executive for the Flight Opportunities and Small Spacecraft Technology programs within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate. These programs seek to increase the pace of space exploration, discovery, and the expansion of space commerce though the rapid identification, development, and testing of capabilities that exploit agile spacecraft platforms and responsive launch capabilities from industry providers. Baker previously held various positions in atmospheric and suborbital flight testing at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center and managed an agency wide early-stage research and development program from NASA Headquarters. Baker is a graduate of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute where he received a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

STMD Leadership

Evelyn Vidal-Roles

Office Manager

Executive Officer

Clayton Turner, director of NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

Acting Associate Administrator

Prasun Desai

Deputy Associate Administrator

Walt Engelund

Deputy Associate Administrator for Programs

G. Michael Green

Deputy Associate Administrator for Management/Chief of Staff

Derek Wang

Director of Communications

Voleak Roeum

Director of Resources Management

Alesyn Lowry

Director for Strategic Planning and Integration

Michelle Munk

Acting Chief Architect

Jeffrey Sheehy

Chief Engineer

Jenn Gustetic

Director of Early Stage Innovations and Partnerships

Niki Werkheiser

Director of Technology Maturation

Trudy Kortes

Director of Technology Demonstrations

Chris Baker

Program Executive