Langley Aeronautics
LANGLEY aeronautics leadership
NASA Langley Research Center
Aeronautics Research Directorate
Langley’s Aeronautics Research Directorate (ARD) is innovating and developing faster, more efficient vehicles and airspace management systems to ensure sustainable operations in the future. We aim to make aviation more affordable, safer, and responsive to the current constraints while minimizing environmental impact.
NASA’s X-59 Progresses Through Tests on the Path to Flight
Lee esta historia en español aquí. The team preparing NASA’s X-59 continues through testing in preparation for the quiet supersonic aircraft to…
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Langley Aeronautics Focus Areas
The Aeronautics Research Directorate is transforming how we fly.

Super and Hypersonics
Guiding Supersonic and Hypersonic research that takes place in Langley's wind tunnels.

Advanced Air Mobility
Leading AAM research in traffic operation labs and at a live-flight BVLOS-capable range.

Sustainable Aviation
Enabling sustainable aviation research in various wind tunnels and field studies.

Future Airspace and Safety
Facilitating development of future air space and pilot safety systems in labs and live-flight tests
The NASA Academy at Langley
Langley’s NASA Academy participants experience the challenges aerospace professionals face while conducting their research.
Learn More about The NASA Academy at Langley
NASA'S Gateways to Blue Skies Competition
Blue Skies expands engagement between universities and NASA’s University Innovation Project, industry, and government partners by providing an opportunity for multi-disciplinary teams of students to tackle significant challenges for the aviation industry through a new project theme each year.
Learn More