The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft is still four months and millions of miles from Saturn, but it's already close enough to send a stunning postcard of the ringed giant. It's expected to send weekly snapshots as it nears it's July 1, 2004 arrival date. This image was captured on February 9 by Cassini's narrow a
The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft is still four months and millions of miles from Saturn, but it’s already close enough to send a stunning postcard of the ringed giant. It’s expected to send weekly snapshots as it nears it’s July 1, 2004 arrival date.
This image was captured on February 9 by Cassini’s narrow angle camera, when the spacecraft was about 69 million kilometers (43 million miles) away. A series of exposures through different filters were combined to form the color image. The icy moon Enceladus is faintly visible on the left.Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute