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Benefits for Humanity: Seeing Our Home in a New Light

image of astronaut holding a camera taking pictures of Earth from the station's cupola
Astronaut David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency takes pictures of the Earth below from inside the International Space Station's "window to the world," the seven-windowed cupola.
Credits: NASA

It was a very sobering perspective to get how fragile, unique, and sacred our spaceship Earth is, and the responsibility we have to be good shepherds of her.

David Saint-Jacques

David Saint-Jacques

CSA Astronaut

From its orbit 402 kilometers (250 miles) above Earth, the International Space Station collects a variety of data and imagery that benefit humanity. More than 3.5 million photographs of Earth have contributed to research on our atmosphere and climate change, monitoring of and response to natural disasters such as flooding and volcanic eruptions, studies of light pollution, and much more. The addition of artificial intelligence-driven image analysis drastically increased the accessibility and usefulness of images from space. 



Last Updated
Jun 30, 2023
Ana Guzman