STS-73The crew patch of STS-73, the second flight of the United States Microgravity Laboratory (USML-2), depicts the Space Shuttle Columbia...These five astronauts and two United States Microgravity Laboratory (USML) payload specialists pause from a rigid training schedule for the...Astronaut and mission specialist for STS-73, Catherine G. Coleman, dons a high fidelity training version of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit...Astronaut and mission specialist Catherine G. Coleman is about to don the helmet portion of a high fidelity training version...Astronaut and mission specialist Catherine G. Coleman,attired in a high fidelity training version of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) space...KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- STS-73: ColumbiaA Great Blue Heron seems oblivious to the tremendous spectacle of light and sound generated by a Shuttle liftoff, as...KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- Space Shuttle Columbia soars into the cloud-washed sky above Cape Canaveral Lighthouse. After six scrubs...Onboard photo of space shuttle Columbia (STS-73) cargo bay payload - the United States Microgravity Laboratory-2 (USML-2) with an earthview.STS-73 crewmember with the GloveboxOnboard STS-73, USML-2: Mission Specialist, Payload Commander, Kathryn Thorton with (CGF) Crystal Growth FurnacePayload Specialist, Fred Leslie changing samples in (CGF) Crystal Growth Furnace onboard STS-73, USML-2.Onboard Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-73) Payload Specialist Albert Sacco loads autoclaves using a power screwdriver into the Zeolite Crystal Growth...Albert Sacco Jr., payload specialist for STS-73, works in the glovebox on the portside of the science module aboard the...Astronaut Catherine G. Coleman, mission specialist for STS-73, works in the glovebox on the portside of the science module aboard...Onboard photo of space shuttle Columbia (STS-73) crewmembers Fred Leslie (foreground) and Catherine Coleman aboard the United States Microgravity Laboratory...Astronaut Kathryn C. Thornton, payload commander for STS-73, works at the drop physics module (DPM) on the portside of the...STS073-S-048 (5 November 1995) --- The drag chute on the Space Shuttle Columbia is deployed, marking the completion of its...