STS-125Night falls on Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida following rollback of the pad's rotating service...From Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, space shuttle Atlantis roars into the sky on a...While standing on the end of Atlantis' remote manipulator system arm, STS-125 Mission Specialist Michael Good pays tribute to his...After much dscussion, using a little brute force saves the day.STS-125 mission specialist John Grunsfeld uses a still camera at an overhead window on the aft flight deck of the...An STS-125 crew member on board the space shuttle Atlantis snapped a still photo of the Hubble Space Telescope following...STS-125 Mission Specialist Mike Massimino works with the Hubble Space Telescope in the cargo bay of the Earth-orbiting space shuttle...STS-125 Mission Specialist Andrew Feustel navigates near the Hubble Space Telescope on the end of the remote manipulator system arm,...Backdropped by the blackness of space and the thin line of Earth's atmosphere, space shuttle Atlantis' payload bay, Canadian-built remote...STS-125 Mission Specialists Michael Good (left) and Mike Massimino participate in the mission's fourth session of extravehicular activity as work...During the six-hour, 36-minute spacewalk servicing the Hubble Space Telescope, STS-125 Mission Specialists Andrew Feustel (left) and John Grunsfeld removed...Low-level winds rushing over the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of northwestern Africa created cloud vortex streets which share...This still image of the Hubble Space Telescope was captured by an STS-125 crew member aboard the shuttle Atlantis as...The STS-125 crew aboard space shuttle Atlantis captured this still image of the Hubble Space Telescope as the two spacecraft...Backdropped by the blackness of space and the thin line of Earth's atmosphere, space shuttle Atlantis' payload bay, Canadian-built remote...The STS-125 crew took a final look at the Hubble Space Telescope on May 19, 2009, prior to the telescopes's...STS-125 mission specialist Michael Good is busy on Atlantis' middeck during his second day in space. The mission promises to...The Hubble Space Telescope stands tall in the cargo bay of the space shuttle Atlantis following its capture on Wednesday,...