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The FINESSE (Field Investigations to Enable Solar System Science and Exploration) team is focused on a science and exploration field-based research program aimed at generating strategic knowledge in preparation for the human and robotic exploration of the Moon, near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) and Phobos & Deimos. We infuse our science program with leading-edge exploration concepts since “science enables exploration and exploration enable science.”

The primary research objectives of our Science and Exploration programs are as follows: FINESSE Science: Understand the effects of volcanism and impacts as dominant planetary processes on the Moon, NEAs, and Phobos & Deimos. FINESSE Exploration: Understand which exploration concepts of operations (ConOps) and capabilities enable and enhance scientific return.

To accomplish these objectives, we conduct an integrated research program focused on scientifically-driven field exploration. Our research is accomplished at two strategically chosen field sites: Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve in Idaho and at the West Clearwater Lake Impact Structure in northern Canada.