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Test Technology Angle Measurement Capabilities


Angle Measurement System In-field calibration verification (CUBE)
Angle Measurement System In-field calibration verification (CUBE).

Quick Facts

NASA’s angle measurement technologies have the capability to present different forms of information that come from known measurement techniques. New information and new usages that come from existing techniques may result in system improvements for both research and design.

Angle-measurement techniques primarily describe means of measuring the angle at which the model is initially mounted. Once testing begins, these measurement systems may also provide pitch, and/or roll angle information on a model during wind tunnel testing.

Some capabilities that emerge from angle-measurement techniques include:

Sting-bending measurements

Angle measurement technology can be used to determine how much the sting that supports the model is displaced by the model and the induced aerodynamic forces on it.

AMS Verification Article (CUBE)

The CUBE (pictured below) is used to assess the performance of an Angle Measurement System (AMS) and verify its performance before and after each use. AMS sensors can be damaged or shift if not properly handled. The CUBE verification system is designed to provide engineers in the field with a means of evaluating overall AMS system performance.

AETC Test Technology

AETC Ground Facilities



Last Updated
Jul 25, 2023
Lillian Gipson