The NSSC Small Business Office is responsible for providing outreach and liaison support to industry (both large and small businesses) and other members of the private sector. These activities are accomplished through a combination of individual counseling sessions, dissemination of information on upcoming NSSC procurement opportunities, and participation in local small business outreach events. The NSSC small business specialist also serves as the primary advisor to the NSSC acquisition community on all matters related to small business.
The Vision of the NSSC Small Business Office is to promote and integrate all small businesses into the competitive base of contactors that pioneer the future of space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research.
The Mission of the NSSC Small Business Office is to:
- Advise the NSSC acquisition community on all matters related to small business
- Promote the development and management of NASA programs that assists all categories of small business
- Develop small businesses in high-tech areas that includes technology transfer and commercialization of technology
- Provide small business maximum practicable opportunities to participate in NSSC prime contracts and subcontracts
It is important to note the NSSC small business specialist:
- Cannot assist contractors in the preparation of proposals
- Cannot in any way guarantee receipt of a contract award
- Serves as an advisor to the Contracting Officer who has final authority over contractual matters
- Is not involved in the personnel decisions of a contractor, including the hiring of new employees
The Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) website will identify the following:
How to do Business with NASA
Business Development and Technology
Small Business Program
How to Partner with NASA
Awards and Achievement
NSSC Small Business Goals
Small Business Resources
Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)
NASA Vendor Database
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Small Business Marketing Guide
SBA Table of Small Business Size Standards
Acquisition Forecast