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SERVIR Science Coordination Scientists Lead Mangrove Data Validation Workshop in Belize

In the context of the SERVIR Carbon Pilot (S-CAP) and the ongoing Belize Forest Monitoring Proto-Service, Emil Cherrington and Christine Evans led a workshop on validating mangrove spatial datasets in Belmopan City, Belize. Prior to the technical workshop (3/19-21/24), they participated in internal meetings with the Belize Forest Department, as well as a visit to the US Embassy to brief the Deputy Chief of Mission (Hayward Alto) and the Embassy’s Environment, Science, Technology, and Health (ESTH) officer (Jennifer Shin). On March 21, International Day of Forests, they also participated in a field activity helping to collect some of the mangrove field data. The Government of Belize, via the Forest Department, has leveraged internal funding on the order of US $40K to support this workshop and the field validation activities.