1970 – The Coast Guard’s National Data Buoy Project announced its relocation to the then-Mississippi Test Facility on July 9, becoming the first resident tenant of what grew into the NASA Stennis Federal City.
1970 – NASA announces on Sept. 9 that the Earth Resources Laboratory will locate at the Mississippi Test Facility.
1971 – Space shuttle main engine testing is assigned to the Mississippi Test Facility on March 1.
1974 – The Mississippi Test Facility is renamed the National Space Technology Laboratories on June 14.
1975 – The first space shuttle main engine test at the National Space Technology Laboratories happens on May 19. The test did not include ignition.
1975 – The first space shuttle main engine tested at the National Space Technology Laboratories to achieve ignition occurs on June 12.
1975 – The first space shuttle main engine tested at the National Space Technology Laboratories to go full duration without an early shutdown happens on June 24.
1975 – Henry F. Auter Jr. is named acting manager of the National Space Technology Laboratories on Aug. 1.
1976 – A flag-raising ceremony on May 28 marks the official move of the Naval Oceanographic Program to the National Space Technology Laboratories.
1976 – Jerry Hlass is named director of the National Space Technology Laboratories on Aug. 18.
1978 – The groundbreaking ceremony for the Army Ammunition Plant at the Mississippi Test Facility is conducted on Jan. 10.
1978 – The Earth Resources Laboratory Applications Software is developed at the National Space Technology Laboratories and implemented worldwide in March.
1978 – The first system test of the space shuttle main propulsion test article is conducted – including three space shuttle main engines tested simultaneously on April 21.
Chronology of Events
Explore the list of significant events in John C. Stennis Space Center History.