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The Right Tools: Sensing Earth From Space

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An illustration of a satellite


Educators, Students

Grade Levels

Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12


Earth Science


Other Multimedia, Videos

This video segment explains why NASA uses satellites and how satellites work. Viewers learn about the four components of a satellite, the processes of uplinking and downlinking, and the information that satellites provide to scientists. The segment also explains the difference between geostationary and orbiting satellites.
The Right Tools: Sensing Earth From Space
Duration: 4 minutes 03 seconds

Other video learning clips in this series:
Interconnection of Earth’s Systems
Global Effect of El Niño
The Influence of Global Warming on Earth’s Systems
Doing Our Part to Prevent Global Warming
The Environmental, Economic and Social Impact of Drought
Lifecycle of a Hurricane
Linking Earth System Events