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SCA Related Links

These links have been arranged to provide additional content for the recordation efforts on the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. Click on the hyperlinks below to read more.

SRB Recovery Ships Related Links

NASA DFRC Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
NASA DFRC Shuttle Carrier Aircraft Photo Stream
NASA’s Shuttle Carrier Aircraft 911’s Final Flight
New Logos on NASA 905 Depict Ferry Flight History
National Geographic Article: “Inside The Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft”
Slate Article: “How Does The Space Shuttle Fly Home?”
Boeing 747 Technical Specifications
Now Boarding: Inside NASA’s Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
Go Inside The Jumbo Jet That Carries 172,000 Pound Space Shuttles
CNN Article: Space Shuttle Endeavor’s Final Touchdown

SRB Recovery Ships Related Videos

Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
Shuttle Endeavor Lands In Los Angeles
Inside The Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
Shuttle Carrier Aircraft 911 Final Flight
Final Flight: Space Shuttle Discovery

Other Related Links

NASA SRB Retrieval Ships Recordation Website
NASA Space Shuttle Recordation Website