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Dr. Michael Lowry

Title: Senior Scientist for Software Reliability

Organization: Exploration Technology Directorate

Professional Background

Dr. Michael Lowry is the NASA Senior Scientist for Software Reliability. He has served as NASA’s Lunar Surface Systems Software Architect (2008-2011), software lead in the Toyota unintended acceleration investigation (2010), and DARPA chief scientist for the META project investigating cyber-physical system development principles that are correct-by-design (2012 – 2015). 

Since 2015, he has led as principle investigator the Autonomy Operating System project (AOS). AOS has developed an open flight software architecture incorporating heterogeneous artificial intelligence reasoning capabilities. The goal of AOS is to achieve an autonomous pilot that can navigate and communicate in the National Airspace System. AOS incorporates NASA core flight software (CFS) as its embedded platform foundation; cFS has been certified on more than two dozen space missions.

Lowry has been the Ames lead on NASA’s high-performance space computer, whose goal is to provide a radiation-tolerant CPU that reaches tens of gigaflops performance while using minimal power. His interest in Neuromophic computing is to advance aerospace processors further orders of magnitude to enable smart agents for both space and aviation. 

Contact Info


Phone: 650.604.3369