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Welcome to our Find Your Place in Space Week site!

The events listed here took place in Minnesota in April 2024. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to stay tuned for future events about space exploration, science, and technology.

Find Your Place in Space Week – Minnesota Events

This event is geared towards K-12 educators.

Presentation at National Arts Education Association Conference: Minneapolis

April 4, 2024 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.

Join the “Discovering Earth as Art: Using Satellite Imagery to Create STEAM in the Classroom” workshop at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) national conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota on April 4th. This interdisciplinary presentation invites art educators to explore and engage with earth science and satellite images as we make a little STEAM. A brief introduction will compare and contrast satellite imagery to traditional photography and show how the satellite image can reveal unexplored wavelengths of light and open new dimensions for artists. We will explore a variety of images, activities, curriculum, and resources that K-12 art teachers can use to promote earth science to inspire and create visual art including painting, collage, clay, flipbooks, fiber arts, and StoryMaps (a multi-media communication tool.) This multidisciplinary approach helps to reinforce concepts taught in other subjects and encourages students to think outside of siloed disciplines potentially leading to greater creativity and novel approaches to problem solving. Material support provided by AmericaView, NASA, and USGS. 

Learn More about Presentation at National Arts Education Association Conference: Minneapolis
Elementary students gather closely to learn facts about living in space

General Public

Eclipse Day at the Science Museum of Minnesota

April 8, 2024 | 10 a.m.

Learn what an eclipse is from NASA Solar System Ambassadors, discover why it looks different depending on your location in North America, watch a live stream of the total eclipse, and witness Minnesota’s partial eclipse — safely! — from one of the museum’s outdoor spaces (weather permitting). Round out your day of sky-watching with Deep Sky or Stellar Tours in the Omnitheater.

Learn More about Eclipse Day at the Science Museum of Minnesota
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