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2008 Meteoroid Environment Workshop

2007 Meteoroid Environment Workshop

Selected Publications

Suggs, R. M., Moser, D. E., Cooke, W. J., and Suggs, R. J.  The Flux of Kilogram-Sized Meteoroids from Lunar Impact Monitoring.  Icarus , vol. 238, 23-36, 2014.

Cooke, W. J., Moser, D. E., Hardin, B . F., and Janches, D. Meteoroids: The Smallest Solar System BodiesProceedings of the Meteoroids 2010 Conference, NASA/CP-2011-216469, 2011.

Suggs, R. M., Cooke, W., Suggs, R., McNamara, H., Swift, W., Moser, D., and Diekmann, A. Flux of Kilogram-sized Meteoroids from Lunar Impact MonitoringBulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 40, pp. 455, 2008.

Arlt, R. and Moser, D. Meteoroid Environment Workshop and Call for Lunar Impact ObservationsWGN, Journal of the IMO, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 83-86, 2008.

Edwards, D. L., Cooke, W., Moser, D. E., and Swift, W. Measurement of Ejecta from Normal Incident Hypervelocity Impact on Lunar Regolith SimulantEarth, Moon, and Planets, vol. 102, pp. 549-553, 2008.

Swift, W., Suggs, R., and Cooke, B. Algorithms for Lunar Flash Video Search, Measurement, and ArchivingEarth, Moon, and Planets, vol. 102, pp. 299-303, 2008.

Suggs, R. M., Cooke, W. J., Suggs, R. J., Swift, W. R., and Hollon, N. The NASA Lunar Impact Monitoring ProgramEarth, Moon, and Planets, vol. 102, pp. 293-298, 2008.

Moser, D. E. and Cooke, W. J. Updates to the MSFC Meteoroid Stream ModelEarth, Moon, and Planets, vol. 102, pp. 285-291, 2008.

Domokos, A., Bell, J. F., Brown, P., Lemmon, M. T., Suggs, R., Vaubaillon, J., and Cooke, W. Measurement of the Meteoroid Flux at MarsIcarus, vol. 191, no. 1, pp. 141-150, 2007.

Cooke, W. J., Suggs, R. M., Suggs, R. J., Swift, W. R., and Hollon, N. P.  Rate and Distribution of Kilogram Lunar Impactors38th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract no. 1986, 2007.

Cooke, W. J., Suggs, R. M., and Swift, W. R.  A Probable Taurid Impact on the Moon. 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract no. 1731, 2006.

Cooke, W. J. and McNamara, H. A.  A Search for Meteor Shower Signatures in the LDEF IDE Data. Proceedings of the Dust in Planetary Systems Conference, pp. 35, 2005.

Swift, W. R. and Suggs, R. M.  Genesis Reentry Observations and Data Analysis. NASA TM 2005-214192, November 2005.

Cooke, W. J., Swift, W. M., and Suggs, R. M. Determining Bolide Luminous Efficiency Through Optical Observations of the Genesis Atmospheric EntryBulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 37, pp. 650, 2005.

Swift, W. R., Suggs, R. M., and Cooke, W. J. Meteor44 Video Meteor PhotometryEarth, Moon, and Planets, vol. 95, pp. 533-540, 2004.

Moser, D. E. and Cooke, W. J.  MSFC Stream Model Preliminary Results: Modeling Recent Leonid and Perseid EncountersEarth, Moon, and Planets, vol. 95, pp. 141-153, 2004.

McNamara, H., Jones, J., Kauffman, B., Suggs, R., Cooke, W., and Smith, S. Meteoroid Engineering Model (MEM): A Meteoroid Model for the Inner Solar System. Earth, Moon, and Planets, vol. 95, pp. 123-139, 2004.

Brown, P. and Cooke, B. Model Predictions for the 2001 Leonids and Implications for Earth-orbiting SatellitesMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 326, pp. L19-L22, 2001.