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Interns at Glenn Research Center
A worker wearing blue coveralls and gloves uses a syringe to place liquid on a glass surface held by a clamp. There is a black camera above the surface on another clamp in the foreground and a bright light and a focusing lens opposite the camera.

Manufacturing Day at Glenn

Manufacturing Day, hosted by NASA Glenn’s Office of STEM Engagement, aims to educate high-school students about careers in the manufacturing field while encouraging an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math. Students will have an opportunity to see how teams of engineers, researchers, and technicians work together to design and prototype aeronautics and space hardware. Students will participate in a career discussion, tour world-class facilities, and partake in hands-on activities, including robotics and virtual and augmented reality.

Visit NASA Glenn Office of STEM Engagement about Manufacturing Day at Glenn


  • This opportunity is open to ninth through twelfth grade students enrolled at a public, private, charter, or home school located in NASA Glenn’s home state of Ohio. (Students should be counted for the grade level they will be entering at the start of the 2024-2025 school year).
  • Participants may register as individuals or as a group. Groups are limited to up to 25 students per organization.
  • Parents or guardians must apply on behalf of any students under the age of 14. This adult must be a United States citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR).
  • Parents or adult caregivers are not permitted to attend or participate with their student(s) during the event.

Key Dates

  • Registration Opens – July 21, 2024
  • Registration Closes – August 20, 2024
  • Event Date – September 19, 2024
    • Event Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Eastern  

Registration Information

Registration closed for this event

Contact Information
(216) 433-6656

This event is featured as a part of NASA Glenn’s One-Day STEM Events.

Glenn Research Center – Office of STEM Engagement

Phone: (216) 433-6656

Glenn Research Center – Office of STEM Engagement

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