O is for…
NASA’s Picture Dictionary
Noun: The path followed by a moon, planet or artificial satellite as it travels around another body in space.
Verb: To travel around something, such as a planet or moon in a curved path: to make an orbit around something.
Earth is in orbit around the sun, and our moon is in orbit around Earth.
All of the planets in the solar system orbit the sun.
Related Links:
Orbits ‘R’ Us
What’s an Orbit? (Grades K-4)
What’s an Orbit? (Grades 5-8)
The part of the space shuttle that looked like an airplane. It flew into space and back down. The orbiter carried people and equipment.
Astronauts lived and worked in the orbiter during space shuttle missions.
The orbiter landed safely after a trip to the space station.
Related Links:
What Was the Space Shuttle? (Grades K-4)
What Was the Space Shuttle? (Grades 5-8)
A new NASA spacecraft that will take astronauts farther into space than they have ever been.
Orion will ride on top of the Space Launch System, or SLS, rocket.
When astronauts return to the Moon, they will travel in the Orion spacecraft.
Related Links
What Is Orion? (Grades K-4)
What Is Orion? (Grades 5-8)
Orion for Kids
A settlement on a frontier or in a faraway place.
In the future, NASA may build an outpost on Mars.
In science class, our teachers had us draw an outpost for living on another planet.