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MUREP-WCU seeks to address the significant gender gap and disparate experiences of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the United States, both in higher education and the workforce.


The MUREP-WCU funding opportunity responds to Executive Order 14035 on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the federal workforce by calling on WCUs, as identified by Department of Education, to leverage their women-centered expertise and experience to address barriers to women seeking, retaining, and advancing in STEM degrees and employment.

How to Apply

The NASA Research Announcement (NRA), entitled Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM or EONS, solicits education proposals in support of NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project or MUREP. Proposals will be competitively solicited and awarded through the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES).  

For a list of planned solicitations, visit the EONS Grant Forecasting webpage. To be notified of award announcements and when the next solicitation opens, proposers should subscribe to NSPIRES.  

Applicant Resources

Click here to view the latest solicitation.

NASA Contact

Bonnie Murray, Activity Manager
MUREP Womens Colleges and Universities  
NASA Langley Research Center 
Hampton, VA 23681 