About the Johnson Office of Procurement
Our Mission: Lead Human Space Exploration through exceptional acquisition support.
Procurement is the cornerstone of NASA’s current and future missions. We lead human space exploration through exceptional acquisition support.
Our Current Significant AcquisitionsGeneral Information
Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has migrated contracts/awards to the Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) for electronic invoice submission and tracking of payment information. IPP is a government-wide, secure Web-based invoice processing service offered free of charge to Government agencies and their vendors by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Management Service (https://www.ipp.gov/vendors/index). For detailed information on how this transition to IPP may impact your payment requests, please visit: https://www.nasa.gov/nasa-shared-services-center/. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the NASA Shared Services Help Desk at 1-877-677-2123 or nssc-contactcenter@nasa.gov. |
Page Contacts
NASA Curator: Jennifer R. Sharp I Website Manager: LaDonna Brezik
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