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Backdropped against black space and the blue and white Earth, the Orbiting Retrievable Ultraviolet Spectrometer (ORFEUS) and its Shuttle Pallet Satellite (SPAS) are pictured during berthing in Discovery's cargo bay.


STS051-15-035 (19 Sept 1993) --- Backdropped against black space and the blue and white Earth, the Orbiting Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer (ORFEUS) and its Shuttle Pallet Satellite (SPAS) are pictured during berthing in Discovery's cargo bay. The free-flying craft had spent several days orbiting at a distance from Discovery with several experiments in operation. Here, the satellite is still in the grasp of the Canadian-built Remote Manipulator System (RMS), which was used also for the earlier deployment.
