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Air-to-air view of Columbia, OV-102, atop SCA NASA 905 flying over JSC site

S90-55294 (19 Dec. 1990) --- Johnson Space Center employees and neighbors on the ground didn't get quite this closeup of a view of the Dec. 19 1990 flyover of the Space Shuttle Columbia mounted piggyback atop NASA's Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA--NASA 905). However, hundreds were able to spot it as it passed nearby en route to Florida from California following the successful STS-35 mission. Almost the entire 1625-acre site of the Johnson Space Center is visible in the background, along with a number of businesses and residences in the nearby municipality of Nassau Bay. The air-to-air photograph was taken by Pete Stanley of JSC's Image Services Division who was a passenger in a T-38 jet aircraft.
