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Ron McNair wears a beret and sunglasses and holds props for filming a test of a motion picture format.


S84-27219 (3-11 Feb 1984) --- Astronaut Ronald E. McNair, 41-B mission specialist, doubles as "director" for a movie being "produced" aboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Challenger. McNair’s name tag ("Cecil B. McNair") and beret and slate are all humorous props for application of a serious piece of cargo on this eight day flight - the Cinema 360 camera. Two of the cameras were carried aboard the Challenger to provide a test for motion picture photography in a unique format designed especially for planetarium viewing. This camera was located in the crew cabin area and a second was stowed in a getaway special (GAS) canister in the payload bay. The other camera recorded extravehicular activity (EVA) of the flight’s other two mission specialists, Astronauts Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart.
