Inflight – Apollo 10
S69-34076 (19 May 1969) --- Astronaut John W. Young, Apollo 10 command module pilot, displays a drawing of Snoopy in this color reproduction taken from the fourth telecast made by the color television camera aboard the Apollo 10 spacecraft. When this picture was made the Apollo 10 spacecraft was about halfway to the moon, or approximately 112,000 nautical miles from Earth. Snoopy will be the code name of the Lunar Module (LM) during Apollo 10 operations when the Command Module (CM) and LM are separated. The CM's code name will be Charlie Brown. Also, aboard Apollo 10 were astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, commander; and Eugene A. Cernan, lunar module pilot.
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TakenMay 19, 1969
PIA NumberS69-34076