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STS-39 AFP-675 and STP-1 MPESS in OV-103’s payload bay (PLB)

STS039-10-019 (28 April-6 May 1991) --- This 35mm frame, taken from inside the crew cabin, shows some of the cargo in Discovery's payload bay. Seen are the tops of canisters on the STP-1 payload, configured on the STS 39 Hitchhiker carrier; and the Air Force Program (AFP) 675 package. AFP-675 consists of the Cryogenic Infrared Radiance Instrumentation for Shuttle (CIRRIS)-1A; Far Ultraviolet Camera (FAR-UV) Experiment; Horizon Ultraviolet Program (HUP); Quadruple Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (QINMS); and the Uniformly Redundant Array (URA).
