New Thin-Film Solar Cells Compared to Normal Solar Cells
Adolph Spakowski, head of the Photovoltaic Fundamentals Section at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Lewis Research Center, illustrated the difference between conventional silicon solar cells (rear panel) and the new thin-film cells. The larger, flexible thin-film cells in the foreground were evaluated by Lewis energy conversion specialists for possible future space use. The conventional solar cells used on most spacecraft at the time were both delicate and heavy. For example, the Mariner IV spacecraft required 28,000 these solar cells for its flyby of Mars in 1964. NASA Lewis began investigating cadmium sulfide thin-film solar cells in 1961. The thin-film cells were made by heating semiconductor material until it evaporated. The vapor was then condensed onto an electricity-producing film only one-thousandth of an inch thick. The physical flexibility of the new thin-film cells allowed them to be furled, or rolled up, during launch. Spakowski led an 18-month test program at Lewis to investigate the application of cadmium sulfide semiconductors on a light metallized substrate. The new thin-film solar cells were tested in a space simulation chamber at a simulated altitude of 200 miles. Sunlight was recreated by a 5000-watt xenon light. Two dozen cells were exposed to 15 minutes of light followed by 15 minutes of darkness to test their durability in the constantly changing illumination of Earth orbit.
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