Quiet Supersonic Dive Maneuver Seen from NASA F/A-18
NASA test pilots perform the quiet supersonic dive maneuver off the coast of Galveston, Texas to create a quieter version of the sonic boom, in order to obtain recruited community survey feedback data. The test pilot climbs to around 50,000 feet, followed by a supersonic, inverted dive. This creates sonic boom shockwaves in a way that they are quieter in a specific area. Meanwhile, NASA researchers match community feedback to the sound levels of the flights, using an electronic survey and microphone monitor stations on the ground. This is preparing NASA for community response models for the future X-59 QueSST.
Image Credit: NASA/Carla Thomas
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TakenNovember 5, 2018
Image CreditNASA/Carla Thomas
PIA NumberAFRC2018-0287-209