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I am Artemis: Rosa Avalos-Warren

I am Artemis: Rosa Avalos-Warren

The network is Go for launch!

Artemis missions to the Moon require a global network of ground stations and relay satellites in order to communicate with Earth. Human spaceflight mission manager Rosa Avalos-Warren will be on console during the Artemis I mission, assuring NASA’s Near Space Network and support teams across the country are prepared for liftoff.

Avalos-Warren was born in Lima, Peru. She was driven to work in aerospace since an early age, having witnessed the tragic final flight of the space shuttle Columbia. She wanted to be a part of preventing anything similar from ever happening again. 

“We’re preparing to support the next generation of explorers so that when we send the first woman and the first person of color to the Moon they can have access to communications resources to make sure they’re always connected to Earth,” said Avalos-Warren. “Fortunately, we have an amazing team that is ready to support our astronauts in ensuring mission success.” 

Avalos-Warren earned her bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Virginia Tech and a master’s degree in Mechanical engineering from Rice University.  She advocates for the next generation — the Artemis generation — to pursue STEM careers, participating in outreach events that give back to the local and international community.

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Image Credit: Rosa Avalos-Warren