Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Demolition and Environmental Cleanup Activities at Santa Susana Field Laboratory in California
October 2, 2020 – NASA has released its Record of Decision (ROD) for Soil Cleanup Activities at Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), California. After carefully considering the information and analysis provided in the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, including the comments received from the public, non-governmental organizations, Native American tribes, and federal, state, and local government officials, NASA’s decision is to proceed with Alternative C, Suburban Residential Cleanup. A Suburban Residential Cleanup would be protective of public health and the environment, follow nationwide EPA guidelines, and is consistent with the cleanup standards imposed by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) across the State of California. NASA is eager to move forward with the soil cleanup. NASA can finalize a soil implementation cleanup plan once the California DTSC completes their Programmatic Environmental Impact Report and issues a decision document.
July 24, 2020 – NASA has published the Notice of Availability (NOA) for the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to the March 2014 Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Demolition and Environmental Cleanup Activities for the NASA-administered portion of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), Ventura County, California, in the Federal Register which is available. This Final SEIS covers the soil cleanup activities at NASA’s portion of SSFL.
The links below provide additional information:
- Final SEIS for Soil Cleanup Activities at SSFL
- Appendix 2A – AOC Look-Up Table Values
- Appendix 2B – Revised Look-Up Table Values
- Appendix 2C – Suburban Residential Risk-Based Cleanup Values
- Appendix 2D – Recreational Risk-Based Cleanup Values
- Appendix 2E – Evaluation of Soil Excavation Volumes and Footprints
- Appendix 2F – Environmental Justice Screening Report
- Appendix 2G – Environmentally Preferred Alternative Calculation
- Appendix 3.1A – 2014 Programmatic Agreement, as amended in 2020
- Appendix 3.2A – 2011 Supplemental Biological Surveys of NASA-Administered Property at SSFL
- Appendix 3.2B – Endangered Species Act Section 7 Biological Assessment
- Appendix 3.2C – Jurisdictional Determination
- Appendix 4A – Draft SEIS Comment Response
- Appendix 4B – Public Comment Matrix
- Public Comments on the Draft SEIS for Soil Cleanup Activities at SSFL
- NOA for Final SEIS
For further information regarding the NASA SEIS, visit project website at https://ssfl.msfc.nasa.gov/.
December 3, 2019 – Notice of Extension of Comment Period
NASA has extended the 45-day comment period by 30 days. The notice was published in the Federal Register on Monday, December 9, 2019. Comments will be accepted on or before January 8, 2020.
October 25, 2019 – NASA published the Notice of Availability (NOA) for the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to the March 2014 Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Demolition and Environmental Cleanup Activities for the NASA-administered portion of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), Ventura County, California, in the Federal Register which is available. This Draft SEIS will cover the soil cleanup activities at NASA’s portion of SSFL.
The links below provide additional information:
- Draft SEIS Soil Cleanup Activities SSFL
- SSFL SEIS Appendix 3.2C Wetland Delineation
- SSFL SEIS Appendixes
- NASA’s NOA for the Draft SEIS
NASA Record of Decision (ROD) for groundwater cleanup activities detailed in the FEIS has been signed and is now available.
Additional information about NASA’s SSFL site and the associated EIS planning process and documentation may be found on the project website at http://ssfl.msfc.nasa.gov/. The ROD also contains the contact information if you have questions about the activities NASA now plans to begin implementing.
NASA Record of Decision (ROD) for the FEIS has been signed and is now available.
Additional information about NASA’s SSFL site and the associated EIS planning process and documentation may be found on the project website at http://ssfl.msfc.nasa.gov/. Links to the DEIS and FEIS are provided below. The ROD also contains the contact information if you have questions about the activities NASA now plans to begin implementing.
In 2020, NASA and the parties to the 2014 Programmatic Agreement signed an Amendment to the Programmatic Agreement, adding ten years to the term of the agreement.
March 14, 2014 – NASA published a Notice of Availability (NOA) for the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), Proposed Demolition and Environmental Cleanup Activities at Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), Ventura County, California, in the Federal Register which is available.
The FEIS may be viewed at or downloaded from the following links:
Full FEIS text including appendices.
- Appendix A – CEQ Letter
- Appendix B – Applicable Laws and Regulations
- Appendix C – Cultural Resources Study
- Appendix D – Fall 2010 Habitat Listed Species Surveys
- Appendix E – 2011 Supplemental Biological Surveys
- Appendix F – Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Habitat Survey
- Appendix G – Wetlands
- Appendix H – Supplemental Air Quality GHG Information and Approach
- Appendix I – Air Quality General Conformity Analysis
- Appendix J – Paleontological Resources Assessment
- Appendix K – Public Comments
- Appendix L – Agency Correspondence
- Appendix M – Biological Assessment
The NOA for the Draft EIS was published in the Federal Register (August 2, 2013).
For additional information regarding the NASA EIS, visit project website at https://ssfl.msfc.nasa.gov/
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