Katherine Acord
University of California, Irvine
Developing Hierarchical Glass-Ceramics for Advanced Solid-State Batteries using Additive Manufacturing
Taylor Aralis
California Institute of Technology
100 eV Resolution Detectors for Hard X-ray Doppler Tomography of Supernova Remnants
Emily Beckman
Purdue University
Propellant Slosh in Small Satellite Conformal Tanks
Anne Bennett
University of Colorado, Boulder
System Effects Of Non-Catastrophic Debris Strikes
Elizabeth Bird
University of California, San Diego
Compact Flexible Lower Body Negative Pressure Device for Integrated Exercise Microgravity and Fluid Shift Countermeasure
Brandon Bocklund
The Pennsylvania State University
Computational Design of Additive Manufactured Functionally Graded Materials for Structural Applications
Elizabeth Boroson
University of Southern California
Learning Coordination for Multi-Rover Planetary Exploration
Nevin Brosius
University of Florida
Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Faraday Instability: Applications to Pool Boiling
Luke Bury
University of Colorado, Boulder
Dynamics of Low Velocity Landings on Moons of the Outer Solar System
Michelle Chernick
Stanford University
Optimal Impulsive Control of Spacecraft Relative Motion
Preston Culbertson
Stanford University
Collaborative Manipulation for Space Exploration and Construction
Jakob DeLong
The Ohio State University
Fully Adaptive Atmospheric Sensor on 6U Platform
Julia Di
Stanford University
Tactile Sensing and Control for Space Applications
Benjamin Donovan
The Pennsylvania State University
Development of Conical Off-Plane Gratings for Future X-ray Spectrometers
MC Dorbecker
University of Colorado, Boulder
Modeling Human Performance Degradation from Radiation Exposure and Physiological Responses to Spaceflight During Long Duration Missions
Matthew Fitzgerald
Vanderbilt University
Enhancing Thermal Transport Properties of Nanocomposites
James Gloyd
Georgia Institute of Technology
Mechanical Metamaterial Lattices by Direct Methods
Chloe Gunderson
University of Wisconsin-Madison
A 3He-4He Refrigeration System for Continuous Sub-Kelvin Cooling of Space Science Instrumentation
Ryan Ham
Colorado State University
Iodine Hollow Cathode Ignition and Operation
Frederick Hohman
Georgia Insitute of Technology
Understanding Deep Neural Networks Through Attribution and Interactive Experimentation
Ryan Hool
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Metamorphic III-V on Si Multi-Junction Solar Cells
Christopher Jelloian
University of California, Los Angeles
Non-Equilibrium Heat Transfer During Mars Entry
Erica Jenson
University of Colorado, Boulder
Robust Guidance and Control of Spacecraft with Large Thruster Errors
Oliver Jia-Richards
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Guidance and Control of Electrospray Thruster Actuated CubeSat
Charles Kelly
University of Washington
Revolutionizing Orbit Insertion with Drag-Modulated Plasma Aerocapture
Andrew Kramer
University of Colorado, Boulder
Feature-Based Visual SLAM For Shadowed, Specular, and Hazy Environments
Emily Kuhn
Yale University
Calibration Instrumentation for Future Intensity Mapping Experiments
Bhanu Kumar
Georgia Insitute of Technology
Leveraging Dynamical Instabilities to Design Efficient Mission Trajectories
Theodore Macioce
California Institute of Technology
Photolithographically Textured Silicon Lenses for Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths
Michael Marshall
California Institute of Technology
Advancing Attitude and Shape Control for Large, Ultralight, Flexible Spacecraft
Connor McMahan
California Institute of Technology
Programmed Reconfiguration and Locomotion of Untethered Compliant Structures
Matthew McNulty
University of California, Davis
Biologically-Derived Immunosorbent Nanoparticles for Deep Space Pharmacological Life Support Systems
Daniel Miller
University of Minnesota
Optimal Trajectory Design for Innovative Low-thrust Spacecraft Missions
Matthew Moraguez
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Commercial Feasibility of In-Space Manufacturing Applications with Technology Development Targets
Mark Moretto
University of Colorado, Boulder
Novel Dynamical Analysis of Spacecraft Operating in Close Proximity to Active Comets
Rachel Morgan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Adaptive Optics for Exoplanet Characterization with Space Telescopes
Nathaniel Olson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thermally Stable Aerogels for Aerospace Applications
Catherine Pavlov
Carnegie Mellon University
Nonprehensile Terrain Manipulation for Planetary Rover Mobility Enhancement
Rittu Raju
University of Michigan
Understanding and Improving Gas Core Nuclear Rocket Fissioning Fuel Confinement, Stability, and Heat Transfer Through Modeling and Validation Experiments
Ellis Ratner
University of California, Berkeley
Robot Learning and Autonomy with Reduced Supervision Through Active Reward Design
Jeffrey Rossin
University of California, Santa Barbara
Predicting the Integrity of Additively Manufactured Nickel Alloys
Morgan Ruesch
Purdue University
High-Speed Measurements of Multiple Species and Temperature in Composite Solid Propellant Flames
Sergio Sandoval
San Diego State University
Integrated Entry and Powered Descent Guidance for Human Mars Missions
Cameron Sargent
Washington University in St. Louis
Ultrasensitive Paper-based Biosensors for In-flight Quantification of Key Biomarkers in Saliva
Nathan Schilling
University of Alabama, Huntsville
Augmenting a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic- Maxwell (SPHMax) model with sufficient capability to accurately validate aspects of Magnetic Nozzle Theory
Olivia Schroeder
University of Minnesota
Modeling of Micro-Meteoroid and Orbital Debris Impacted Thermal Protection Materials
Christopher Sercel
University of Michigan
Measurement and Optimization of a Rotating Magnetic Field-Driven Thruster
Arthur Sloan
Rice University
Methane to Carbon Nanotubes for Clean Energy and Advanced Materials
Emily Spreen
Purdue University
Trajectory Design and Targeting for Applications to the Exploration Program in Cislunar Space
Thomas Whalen
University of Maryland
Characterization of Separation Events in High-Speed Flows
Hunter Williams
Colorado School of Mines
Concentrated Solar Regolith Additive Manufacturing
Matthew Willis
Stanford University
Robust and Efficient GNC Algorithms for Autonomous Formation Flying using Electric Propulsion
Katherine Wilson
Cornell University
Non-Contact Eddy-Current Manipulation in Microgravity Environments
Nathaniel Wirgau
University of Michigan
Hollow Cathode Assembly Diagnostics and Modeling for Development of High Current, Long Life Hollow Cathode Assemblies
Peter Wright
University of California, Los Angeles
High Specific Impulse Electrospray Propulsion for High Delta-V Deep Space Missions
Sean Young
Stanford University
Space Environmental Electrical Power Subsystem (SEEPS)