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Patch: Apollo-Soyuz Mission

Patch: Apollo-Soyuz Mission
Patch: Apollo-Soyuz Mission

Title: Apollo-Soyuz

Designer: Galina Andreevna Balashova

Year it was designed: circa 1974

Explanation or story behind the patch: In the spirit of détente between the USA and the USSR, it had been proposed for many years that some form of joint space mission be performed as a symbol of cooperation and peace between the two great space faring nations. In 1975, the last Apollo spacecraft mission was flown by Tom Stafford, Deke Slayton, and Vance Brand. While in Low Earth Orbit, this Apollo docked with a Soviet Soyuz spacecraft flown by Aleksey Leonov and Valeriy Kubasov. The complete mission was called the Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) and was a resounding political and diplomatic success, and served as the progenitor of the later Space Shuttle Mir missions and the current International Space Station. Many thanks to JPL researcher Maria Hakuba and Eugene Dorr for identifying the designer.

For more information on the Apollo-Soyuz partnership, click: