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NASA Glenn Welcomes Summer Student Interns 

Center Director Dr. Jimmy Kenyon talks with a student among the many seated in the audience.
Center Director Dr. Jimmy Kenyon talks with a student intern prior to an orientation session.
Credit: NASA/Jordan Salkin 

NASA Glenn Research Center’s Office of STEM Engagement provided a multi-faceted orientation—including a welcome from Center Director Dr. Jimmy Kenyon—for 151 student interns (on-site and virtually) last month. This summer, student interns from across the United States and U.S. territories will gain practical experience while working with scientists, engineers, and individuals from many other professions. 

Rows of summer students line up for a group photo on the tarp in the back of the hangar.
NASA Glenn Research Center’s students interning on-site this summer pose for a group photo at the back of the hangar at Lewis Field in Cleveland.
Credit: NASA/Sara Lowthian-Hanna 

Events included information about NASA Glenn’s various departments, resources, and services, offering interns a comprehensive overview of the center. A special event featured 17 organizations showcasing the various resources and opportunities available to students during their internships. A livestream of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V Boeing Starliner Crewed Flight Test Launch was part of the activities.