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Ames Centrifuge Select Publications

A Sample of Recent CGBR-Enabled Research

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Boyle, R. (2021). Otolith adaptive responses to altered gravityNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews122, 218-228.

Alula, K. M., Resau, J. H., & Patel, O. V. (2018). Chronic exposure to altered gravity during the pregnancy-to-lactation transition affects abundance of cytoskeletal proteins in the rat mammary glandGravitational and Space Research6(1), 58-72.

Boyle, R., Popova, Y., & Varelas, J. (2018). Influence of magnitude and duration of altered gravity and readaptation to 1 g on the structure and function of the utricle in toadfish, Opsanus tauFrontiers in Physiology9, 1469.

Popova, Y., & Boyle, R. (2015). Neural response in vestibular organ of Helix aspersa to centrifugation and re-adaptation to normal gravityJournal of Comparative Physiology A201, 717-729.

Casey, T., Patel, O. V., & Plaut, K. (2015). Transcriptomes reveal alterations in gravity impact circadian clocks and activate mechanotransduction pathways with adaptation through epigenetic changePhysiological genomics47(4), 113-128.

Casey, T., Zakrzewska, E. I., Maple, R. L., Lintault, L., Wade, C. E., Baer, L. A., … & Plaut, K. (2012). Hypergravity disruption of homeorhetic adaptations to lactation in rat dams include changes in circadian clocksBiology Open1(6), 570-581.