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Submit A Request to Meet with The Senior Procurement Executive

Meeting room with empty chairs

Meeting Request Guidelines

When requesting a meeting with the Senior Procurement Executive, the following information must be provided:

  • Name, phone number, and email address for person requesting the meeting
  • Name of the company that the meeting requestor represents
  • Detailed purpose for the meeting
    • Please note, the purpose of this meeting should not be a capability presentation.  For sharing company capabilities, we encourage companies to sign up for the NASA Vendor Database (NVDB). This database is open to all vendors, both large and small, who wish to do business with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. As company representatives, vendors can include capability briefs and sign-up to receive e-mail alerts for NASA procurement notices as posted on Opportunities. More information on signing up for the NVDB can be found at

Click here to request a meeting.

Please note: While all attempts will be made, a submission request does not guarantee that a meeting will be granted.  Please be aware that additional information may be requested prior to the meeting.