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Environmental Management System

The scope of the NASA EMS covers all activities, products and services that fall under the control or influence of NASA/NASA Stennis Management.

How does your job impact the environment?

At NASA Stennis, we meet our quality and environmental objectives through our commitment to Mission Accomplishment, Continual Improvement, Compliance with the Law, Conservation and Sustainability, Pollution Prevention, and Safety.

The scope of the NASA Environmental Management System (EMS) covers all activities, products and services that fall under the control or influence of NASA/SSC Management including, but not limited to, construction of facilities, facility maintenance and operations, procurement, research and development, testing, assembly, equipment maintenance, programs, mission deployment, and waste disposal.

The NASA EMS is built on the “Plan, Do, Check, Act” model which leads to continual improvement through:

  • identifying environmental aspects and impacts and establishing goals to address those impacts (Plan),
  • implementing programs and operation controls to meet established goals (Do),
  • monitoring and performing corrective action to determine success of implementation
  • (Check), and
  • reviewing progress and taking actions to make needed changes to the EMS (Act).

NASA at Stennis Space Center currently has an Environmental Management Plan that delineates objectives, targets, and goals for six programs. These programs are Energy Consumption, Water Consumption, Sustainable Facilities, Remediation, Hazardous Waste, and Solid Waste.

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