Grade Levels
Grades 9-12
Other Multimedia, Videos
This NASA video segment explores how Newton’s laws apply to the landing of an airplane. Viewers watch an instructor at NASA’s National Test Pilot School explain that each step of an airplane’s landing can be described with physics. Viewers also learn that a test pilot’s job is to find the optimal methods for landing an aircraft.
The Landing: Summary
Duration: 2 minutes 22 seconds
View on YouTube
More videos and video clips in this series
Introduction to Newton’s Three Laws, Lesson 1
The Law of Inertia: Newton’s First Law
Force Equals Mass Times Acceleration: Newton’s Second Law
The Law of Action and Reaction: Newton’s Third Law
Weight and Balance, Lesson 2
Lift and Rate of Change of Momentum, Lesson 3
Drag, Lesson 4
Thrust, Lesson 5
Take Off, Lesson 6
Climb and Descent, Lesson 7
Cruise, Lesson 8
The Landing, Lesson 9
The Landing: Approach
The Landing: Flare
The Landing: Rollout
Flight Testing Newton’s Laws Main Page