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Space Math III — Problem 13, Moving Magnetic Filaments Near Sunspots

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presents a new explanation of how solar X-ray jets occur. These jets, explosions that erupt from the sun's surface expelling hot gas, could help explain the superheating of the sun’s corona.



Grade Levels

Grades 9-12


Mathematics, Space Science, Measurement and Data Analysis, Solar System and Planets, Sun


Lesson Plans / Activities

Students will use two images from the Hinode (Solar-B) solar observatory to calculate the speed of magnetic filaments near a sunspot. The images show the locations of magnetic features at two different times. Students calculate the image scales in kilometers per millimeter and determine the time difference to estimate the speeds of the selected features. A one-page teacher guide accompanies the one-page assignment.
Problem 13, Moving Magnetic Filaments Near Sunspots  [127KB PDF file]
This mathematics problem is part of Space Math III.