Educators, Students
Grade Levels
Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12, Informal Education
Hands-on Activities, Videos
NASA Role Model: Intern Panel
NASA Center: NASA Headquarters
Topic: Internships
Original Air Date: Aug. 6, 2020
Every year NASA hosts close to 2,000 interns. While working together with experts, these interns provide important contributions to NASA’s missions. “NASA STEM Stars” is joined by five interns working with the James Webb Space Telescope Team. Hear how each earned a coveted internship, learn about the projects they have worked on and what it’s like interning at NASA.
STEM Short Activity: Stretchy Universe Slime Activity
Objective: Make slime to understand how the universe is expanding in all directions.
Duration: 30 minutes
Materials Needed: Clear school glue, borax, water, red and blue food coloring, two bowls, measuring cups, glitter, waxed paper
Difficulty: Easy
“NASA STEM Stars” is a webchat series. Each chat introduces a science, technology, engineering or math career, addresses a STEM topic and highlights a NASA mission. The chat includes a STEM activity that students can do at home. After the interviews, experts answer students’ questions.