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Moon Anomalies

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First Page of Exploring the Moon Guide – Moon Anomalies



Grade Levels

Grades K-4, Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12


Earth Science, Space Science, Geology, Solar System and Planets, Earth's Moon


Lesson Plans / Activities

Although people know a lot about the moon, some things just don’t add up. In this activity, students research, develop hypotheses, present arguments and debate possible solutions to one of the following four questions:

  1. Why does the moon have fewer moonquakes than Earth has earthquakes?
  2. Why are no volcanoes on the moon?
  3. Why does the farside of the moon have fewer maria than the nearside?
  4. Why does the moon have a weaker magnetic field than Earth?

Moon Anomalies Activity [123KB PDF file]
This activity is part of the Exploring the Moon Educator Guide.