Grade Levels
Grades K-4, Grades 5-8
Spanish, Technology, Spinoffs (Benefits to You)
Play and Learn
Calling all junior explorers! NASA partnered with the National Park Service to create three “Junior Ranger Space Tech Explorer” activities. The activities were made originally to celebrate of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The activities explore what NASA and our national parks have in common and how space technology benefits your life, parks and the planet. This booklet is for students ages 5 to 12. It’s perfect for your next park or backyard adventure. Download and print the “Junior Ranger Space Tech Explorer” activities here. They are also available in Spanish!
“Junior Ranger Space Tech Explorer” (PDF)
“Joven Ranger Explorador de tecnologia especial” (PDF)
More NASA and National Park Service activities:
“Junior Ranger Spaceflight Explorer—Explorer’s Activity Guide”