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The Mobile CubeSat Command and Control (MC3) ground station network
Speaker: Giovanni Minelli Ph.D., The Space Systems Academic Group, Naval Postgraduate School
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
10:00AM-11:00AM Pacific Daylight Time
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Abstract: The Mobile CubeSat Command and Control (MC3) ground station network is a DoD-led effort to populate common-use satellite communications equipment across a community of users who perform research with small satellites for the US government. By creating a federated network, users can contribute to a pool of resources which serve the greater community while keeping costs low. The network currently operates nine active stations and has serviced eleven satellites on orbit to-date. The program expects another several satellites joining in 2020 and up to three new ground stations. The network also collaborates with allied governments for world-wide coverage.
This talk will describe the network and highlight new developments such as the integration of cloud computing, lights-out operations, DoD-accredited cybersecurity considerations, and faster turnaround in radio frequency licensing for small satellite operators.
Biosketch: Dr. Giovanni Minelli is a Faculty Research Associate in the Space Systems Academic Group at the Naval Postgraduate School. He serves as the PI of the Mobile CubeSat Command and Control (MC3) ground station network and oversees the operations of the network and the satellites it services. His primary research interests are in the autonomous operation of small satellite constellations including optimized scheduling, anomaly resolution, and human-on-the-loop (rather than in-the-loop) operations.
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