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Small Steps, Giant Leaps

NASA’s technical workforce put boots on the Moon, tire tracks on Mars, and the first reusable spacecraft in orbit around the Earth. Learn what’s next as they build missions that redefine the future with amazing discoveries and remarkable innovations.

Small Steps, Giant Leaps podcast cover art
Episode 126Mar 20, 2024

Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 126: Gateway: The Logistics of an Outpost at the Moon

In this episode we’ll focus on Gateway, a small space station NASA is developing to place in orbit at the Moon. We’ll speak with Mark Wiese, who leads the team that will ensure Gateway will receive the cargo, equipment, and supplies it needs to support Artemis astronauts.

Episode 125Mar 6, 2024

Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 125: Capstone Project: Artemis I Lessons Learned

Janet Karika, who retired recently from NASA after 43 years in the aerospace industry, shares career highlights and her approach to leading the Artemis I Lessons Learned process.

Episode 124Feb 21, 2024

Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 124: The Game-Changing Potential of In-Space Manufacturing

Dive deep into the world of in-space manufacturing (ISM) with our guest, Zach Courtright, the In-Space Manufacturing Portfolio Manager at NASA. Zach shares his perspectives on cutting-edge advancements and collaborations in the field and the potential of the technology for game-changing impacts on space exploration and resource utilization.

Episode 123Feb 7, 2024

Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 123: Examining Earth’s Atmosphere with NASA’s PACE Mission

Today, we look at NASA’s PACE mission, which seeks to unravel some of the mysteries of Earth’s atmosphere and the vital role played by aerosols and clouds. Join us as we delve into this fascinating journey with atmospheric scientist Dr. Kirk Knobelspiesse.