Timothy Griffin
Center Chief Technologist
Dr. Timothy Griffin is currently serving as the Center Chief Technologist (CCT) at the Kennedy Space Center. He is primarily responsible for implementing KSC’s Strategic Technology Investment Plan. He provides the strategy to ensure work at KSC aligns with Agency needs and priorities, capitalizes on areas of strength at KSC, and ensures the best value for investments in research and technology.
In this capacity, Griffin delivers center-wide technical leadership for the planning, management, and evaluation of a comprehensive advanced technology program to meet KSC’s mission responsibilities. His responsibilities include evaluating technology requirements and new technologies, setting priorities, recommending needed feasibility studies, guiding the development of technology proposals across KSC, and developing overall funding strategies and recommendations for the Agency.
In Griffin’s previous role of Associate Director of Research & Technology (R&T), he assisted the Exploration Research and Technology Programs director in leading a diverse R&T portfolio. During his tenure with NASA, Griffin has held multiple leadership and management roles, including manager and point-of-contact for the Space Technology Mission Directorate research portfolio at KSC. Griffin has over 30 years of research and development experience.
He earned his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Florida and his Bachelor of Science in chemistry from the University of Kansas.
Biography last updated August 2023