Marilyn Vasques
Branch Chief, Earth Science Projects Branch (SGP) Director of the Earth Science Project Office (ESPO)
Affiliation: NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
Branch: Earth Science Projects Branch (SGP)
Email: marilyn.vasques@nasa.gov
Phone: (650) 604-6120
Professional Biography
Marilyn Vasques is the Director of the Earth Science Project Office (ESPO) as well as the Branch Chief for the Earth Science Project Branch. She has managed various airborne science research projects all over the world for NASA’s Earth Science Division Program. She now leads a group of 20 people who provide project management, coordination and logistics for complex multi-aircraft international campaigns. The ESPO team works with scientists, aircraft teams, local services and embassies to plan the deployment and field operations for 100-400 people per project and have successfully managed more than 60 campaigns.
Prior to joining the ESPO in January of 2006, she was a member of the Life Sciences Division at NASA Ames. For 22 years she supported Life Science research experiments that took place on the Space Shuttle or Russian Biosatellites. Among my many jobs over the years was Project Manager, Project Scientist, Science Department Manager, Branch Chief and Logistics Manager. She played different roles in 21 Space Shuttle Missions and 3 Russian Satellite Missions. She also conducted many basic science research projects and has co-authored 44 publications.
Marilyn continues to do community work that includes being a guest speaker at the Chabot Science Center and San Jose Tech Museum and giving talks to student groups locally and when deployed.
M.S. Projects and Systems Management, 1995
Golden Gate University
Continuing Education, 1986
San Jose State University
B.S. Zoology, 1983
University of California, Davis
2006-2023 Earth Science Division
Individual Awards (NASA Honor Award Outstanding Leadership Medal (2024), ARC Supervisor/Manager (2021), NASA Honor Award Exceptional Service Medal (2016), NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal (2008), Airborne Science Leadership Award and 26 Special Act, Service and Performance Awards)
1989-2005 Life Science Division
Individual Awards (NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal (1991), 5 Safety Awards, Neurloab Key Member Award, STS-90 Crew Award and 21 Special Act, Service and Performance Awards)
Group Achievement Awards (STS-107, STS-90, STS-69, STS-70, STS-72, STS-77, STS-80, STS-89, STS-95, Cosmos 2G Study, Cosmos 2044, Foton, and Cosmos 1887)
Select Publications
· Effects of 7 Days of Microgravity on Organ and Muscle Weights in Rats of Two Ages. M. Vasques, R. E. Grindeland, M. Martinelli, T. Fast, P. Lundgren, J. Tremor, and S. Scibetta. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2006 (in press)
· Foton-M2 Unmanned Russian Research Biosatellite – Development, Implementation, and Operations. Eugene A. Ilyin, Murad G. Tairbekov, Michael G. Skidmore, and Marilyn F. Vasques. International Gravitation Physiology Meeting. April 2006 (in press)
· G-S Sun, K.W. Liittschwager, A.M. Herrera, E. L. Hill and M.F. Vasques. Short Term (45 days) and Long-Term (90 days) Feeding test of the NASA Nutrient Upgraded Rodent Food Bar (RFB) Using Adult Male Sprague Dawley Rats. Poster. American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology 19 (1): 62, Nov 2005.
· D. Reiss-Bubenheim, M. Vasques, P. Dumars, and E. Hill. Twenty Years of Rodent Spaceflight Research at Ames Research Center. Poster. American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology 18 (1): 41, Nov 2004.
· Ray, Chester A., Vasques, Marilyn, Miller, Todd A., Wilkerson, M. Keith, and Delp, Michael D. Effect of short-term microgravity and long-term hindlimb unloading on rat cardiac mass and function. Journal of Applied Physiology 91, 1207-1213, Sep 2001.