Liane S. Guild
Research Scientist
Ph.D., Ecosystems Ecology, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 2000.
M.S., Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. 1988. B.A., Ecological Systems, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA. 1986.
Her primary work has been the lead PI of 11 NASA airborne campaigns with teams of scientists and engineers for calibration and validation in coastal and inland waters research, including Coastal and Ocean Airborne Science Testbed (COAST, 2011), the Ocean Color Ecosystems Assessment using Novel Instruments and Aircraft (OCEANIA, 2013), NASA Hysperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) Airborne campaign (2013-2015), and the Coastal High Acquisition Rate Radiometers for Innovative Environmental Research (C-HARRIER, 2017-2021). She is a science team member of the Surface Biology and Biogeochemistry (SBG) Satellite Mission Study Team and is currently the PI of CyanoSCape, biodiversity of freshwater phytoplankton and floating aquatic vegetation aligned with the NASA Biodiversity Survey of the Cape. Guild has over 20 years’ experience using remote sensing for coastal and inland waters studies including biodiversity and water quality that followed ~12 years’ experience in terrestrial remote sensing studies of landscape changes in tropical ecosystems and trace gas emissions from biomass burning in Brazil.
Research Interests
Aquatic remote sensing and ecology, airborne and remote sensing campaigns, biodiversity and ecological conservation.
Awards & Others
2020 NASA Group Achievement Award for the C-HARRIER Team
2018 NASA Group Achievement Award for the C-HARRIER Mission Team
2016 NASA Group Achievement Award for the UCSC-ARC HyspIRI Team
2014 NASA Group Achievement Award for the Ocean Color Ecosystem Assessment Team (SIF-OCEANIA 2013)
2012 NASA Group Achievement Award for the Coastal and Ocean Airborne Science Testbed (HOPE-COAST 2011) Team
Select Publications
Turpie, K.R., K. Casey, C.J. Crawford, L.S. Guild, H. Kieffer, G. Lin, R. Kokaly, A. Shrestha, C. Anderson, S.N. Chandra, R. Green, S. Hook, C. Lukashin, K. Thome, and R.E. Wolfe, Accepted March 2023, Calibration and Validation for the Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) Mission Concept: Challenges of Multi-Sensor System for Imaging Spectroscopy and Thermal Imagery. Special Section: The Earth in living color: spectroscopic and thermal imaging of the Earth: NASA’s Decadal Survey Surface Biology and Geology Designated Observable. JGR Biogeosciences.
Stavros, E. Natasha, Jon Chrone, Kerry Cawse-Nicholson, Anthony Freeman, Nancy F. Glenn, Liane Guild, Raymond Kokaly, Christine Lee, Jeffrey Luvall, Ryan Pavlick, Benjamin Poulter, Stephanie Schollaert Uz, Shawn Serbin, David R. Thompson, Philip A. Townsend, Kevin Turpie, Karen Yuen, Kurt Thome, Weile Wang, Shannon-Kian Zareh, Jamie Nastal, David Bearden, Charles E. Miller, David Schimel, 2022, Designing an Observing System to Study the Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) of the Earth in the 2020s. Special Section: The Earth in living color: spectroscopic and thermal imaging of the Earth: NASA’s Decadal Survey Surface Biology and Geology Designated Observable. JGR Biogeosciences.
Torres-Pérez, J.L., C.E. Ramos-Scharrón, W.J. Hernández, R.A. Armstrong, M. Barreto-Orta, J. Ortiz-Zayas, L.S. Guild, and R. Viqueira, 2021, River streamflow, remotely sensed water quality, and benthic composition of previously undescribed nearshore coral reefs in northern Puerto Rico. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8: 720712.
Dunagan, S.E., L.S. Guild, J. Eilers, L. Fahey, Y. Shinozuka, S. LeBlanc, C. Esch, J. Liss, S. Venancio, C. Flynn, 2021, Sky-Scanning Sun-Tracking Airborne Radiometer (3STAR), Instrument Design, Flight Testing, and Tracking Performance, NASA/TM-20210014303.
Cawse-Nicholson, K., P.A. Townsend, D. Schimel, A.M. Assiri, P.L. Blake, M.F. Buongiorno, P. Campbell, N. Carmon, K.A. Casey, R.E. Correa-Pabon, K.M. Dahlin, H. Dashti, P.E. Dennison, H. Dierssen, A. Erickson, J.B. Fisher, R. Frouin, C.K. Gatebe, H. Gholizadeh, M. Gierach, N.F. Glenn, J.A. Goodman, D.M. Griffith, L. Guild, C.R. Hakkenberg, E.J. Hochberg, T.R.H. Holmes, C. Hu, G. Hullery, K.F. Huemmrich, R.M. Kudela, R.F. Kokaly, C.M. Lee, R. Martin, C.E. Miller, W.J. Moses, F.E. Muller-Karger, J.D. Ortiz, D.B. Otis, N. Pahlevan, T.H. Painter, R. Pavlick, B. Poulter, Y. Qi, V.J. Realmuto, D. Roberts, M.E. Schaepman, F.D. Schneider, F.M., Schwandner, S.P. Serbin, A.N. Shiklomanov, E.N. Stavros, D.R. Thompson, J.L. Torres-Perez, K.R. Turpie, Maria Tzortziou, S. Ustin, Q. Yu, Y. Yusup, Q. Zhang, and the SBG Algorithms Working Group, 2021, NASA’s surface biology and geology designated observable: A perspective on surface imaging algorithms, RSE 257 (2021)112349, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112349.
Guild L. S., Kudela R. M., Hooker S. B., Palacios S. L. and Houskeeper H. F., 2020, Airborne Radiometry for Calibration, Validation, and Research in Oceanic, Coastal, and Inland Waters. Front. Environ. Sci. 8:585529. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.585529.
Guild, L., J. Morrow, R. Kudela, J. Myers, S. Palacios, J. Torres-Perez, K. Negrey, S. Dunagan, R. Johnson, and M. Kacenelenbogen, 2019, Airborne Calibration, Validation, and Research Instrumentation for Current and Next Generation Satellite Ocean Color Observations, in Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (ES, FTS, HISE, Sensors), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper HTu2C.2. DOI: 10.1364/HISE.2019.HTu2C.2.
Turpie, K. R., Ackleson, S., Thomas, B., Dierssen, H., Goodman, J., Green, R., Guild, L., Hochberg, E., Klemas, V., Lavender, S., Lee, C., Minnett, P., Moisan, T., Muller-Karger, F., Ortiz, J., Palacios, S., Thompson, D., Zimmerman, R., 2017, Spectroscopy to observe global coastal and inland aquatic habitats. Fort Worth, TX: 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Turpie, Kevin R., Steven Ackelson, Thomas Bell, Heidi Dierssen, James Goodman, Robert Green, Liane Guild, Eric Hochberg, Victor V. Klemas, Samantha Lavender, Christine Lee, Peter Minnett, Tiffany Moisan, Frank Muller-Karger, Joseph Ortiz, Sherry Palacios, David R. Thompson, and Richard Zimmerman, 2016, Global Observations of Coastal and Inland Aquatic Habitats, Technical Report, Decadal Survey for Earth Science and Applications from Space, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15839.66729.
Thompson, David R., Dar A. Roberts, Bo Cai Gao, Robert O. Green, Liane Guild, Kendra Hayashi, Raphael Kudela, and Sherry Palacios, 2016, Atmospheric correction with the Bayesian empirical line, Optics Express, Vol. 24, Issue 3, pp. 2134-2144, DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.002134.
Heron, S. F., G. Liu, C.M. Eakin, W.J. Skirving, F.E. Muller-Karger, M. Vega-Rodriguez, J.L. De La Cour, T.F.R. Burgess, A.E. Strong, E.F. Geiger, L.S. Guild, S. Lynds, 2015, Climatology Development for NOAA Coral Reef Watch’s 5-km Product Suite, NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 145, DOI:10.7289/V59C6VBS.
Kudela, Raphael M., Sherry L. Palacios, David C. Austerberry, Emma K. Accorsi, Liane S. Guild, Juan Torres-Perez, 2015, Application of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Cyanobacterial Blooms in Inland Waters, Remote Sensing of Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.01.025.
Palacios, Sherry L., Raphael M. Kudela, Liane S. Guild, Kendra H. Negrey, Juan Torres-Perez, Jennifer Broughton, 2015, Remote sensing of phytoplankton functional types in the coastal ocean from the HyspIRI Preparatory Flight Campaign, Remote Sensing of Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.05014.
Abelev, A., Babin, M., Bachmann, C., Bell, T., Brando, V, Byrd, K., Dekker, A., Devred, E., Forget, M.-H., Goodman, J., Guild, L., Hochberg, E., Hu, C., Jo, Y.-H., Kelly, M., Klemas, V., Lee, Z., Moisan, T., Moses, W., Muller-Karger, F., Palacios, S., Philpot, W., Turpie, K., Toro-Farmer, G., Yu, Q. 2015, In Kevin R. Turpie (Ed.), Coastal and Inland Aquatic Data Products for the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) (pp. ca 109). NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD: NASA Science and Technical Information (STI) Technical Memorandum (TM) – 2015-217530.
Torres-Pérez, J.L., L.S. Guild, R.A. Armstrong, J.E. Corredor, A. Zuluaga-Montero, and R Polanco, 2015,Relative pigment composition and remote sensing reflectance of Caribbean shallow-water corals, PLoS ONE. 10(11): e0143709. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0143709.
Turpie, Kevin R., David W. Allen, Steven Ackelson, Thomas Bell, Heidi Dierssen, Kyle Cavanaugh, Joshua B. Fisher, James Goodman, Liane Guild, Eric Hochberg, Victor V. Klemas, Samantha Lavender, Christine Lee, Frank Muller-Karger, Joseph Ortiz, Sherry Palacios, David R. Thompson, and Richard Zimmerman, 2015, New Need to Understand Changing Coastal and Inland Aquatic Services, Technical Report, Decadal Survey for Earth Science and Applications from Space, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5162.6007.
Vega-Rodriguez, M., Muller-Karger F., Hallock P., Quiles-Perez G., Eakin M., Colella M., Jones D., Li J., Soto I., Guild L., Lynds S., Ruzicka R., 2015, Influence of water-temperature variability on stony coral diversity in Florida Keys patch reefs; Marine Ecology Progress Series, DOI: 10.3354/meps11268.
Eakin, C. Mark, Gang Liu, Scott F. Heron, Frank Edgar Muller-Karger, Maria Vega-Rodriguez, Liane S. Guild, Jacqueline De La Cour, Erick F. Geiger, William J. Skirving, Timothy F.R. Burgess, Alan E. Strong, Andy Harris, Eileen Maturi, Alexander Ignatov, John Sapper, Jianke Li, Susan Lynds, 2014, Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Monitoring of Coral Ecosystems: New 5-km Global Products from NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Remote Sensing, 6(11), 11579-11606; DOI:10.3390/rs61111579.
Rose, Robert, Dirck Byler, J. Eastman, Erica Fleishman, Gary Geller, Scott Goetz, Liane Guild, Healy Hamilton, Matthew Hansen, Rachel Headley, Jennifer Hewson, Ned Horning, Beth Kaplin, Nadine Laporte, Allison Leidner, Peter Leimgruber, Jeffrey Morisette, John Musinsky, Lilian Pintea, Ana Prados, Volker Radeloff, Mary Rowen, Sassan Saatchi, Steven Schill, Karyn Tabor, Woody Turner, Anthony Vodacek, James Vogelmann, Martin Wegmann, David Wilkie, Cara Wilson, 2014, Ten Ways Remote Sensing Can Contribute to Conservation, Conservation Biology, DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12397.
Palacios, S.L., H.M. Sosik, T.D. Peterson, L.S. Guild, R.M. Kudela, 2013, A novel algal discrimination algorithm based on first principles of aquatic optics and applied to hyperspectral remote sensing imagery of the coastal ocean, Proceedings, International Ocean Colour Symposium, May 2013, Darmstadt, Germany.
Torres-Perez, J.L., L.S. Guild, and R.A. Armstrong, 2012, Hyperspectral distinction of two Caribbean shallow-water corals based on their pigments and corresponding reflectance, Remote Sens., 4, 3813-3832; DOI:10.3390/rs4123813.
Guild L., J. Dungan, M. Edwards, P. Russell, S. Hooker, J. Myers, J. Morrow, S. Dunagan, P. Zell, R. Berthold, and C. Smith, 2011, NASA’s Coastal and Ocean Airborne Science Testbed (COAST), Proceedings, 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, April 10-15, 2011, Sydney, Australia.