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Photo of Juan Torres-Perez

Juan Torres-Pérez

Research Scientist

Affiliation: NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)

Division: Earth Science Division (SG)

Branch: Biospheric Science Branch (SGE)


Phone: 650-604-0915

Professional Bio

Dr. Juan L. Torres-Pérez is a Research Scientist on a 4-yr term civil servant position with the Biospheric Branch of the Earth Science Division at the NASA Ames Research Center (ARC). Previously Dr. Torres-Pérez worked as a NASA Postdoctoral Researcher at ARC (2011-2013) and as a Research Scientist with the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI; 2013-2021).

Dr. Torres-Pérez’s major field of study is bio-optical oceanography and spectroscopy as it applies to shallow-water tropical marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs, and in support of the validation of remotely-sensed imagery. He has led several NASA-funded projects (as PI or Science PI) including an interdisciplinary project on Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in PR (HICE-PR), a citizen science project in PR (CoralBASICS) aimed at training local members of the recreational diving community on collection of scientific data for coral reef assessment and remotely-sensed data validation, and the NASA Science Activation Ocean Community Engagement and Awareness using NASA Observations and Science for Hispanic/Latino students (OCEANOS). He is also a Co-I of the award-winning NASA NeMO-Net citizen science project. He has been the science advisor of the NASA DEVELOP since 2014 and a trainer of the NASA ARSET capacity building programs. He has multiple peer-review publications on anthropogenic effects on coral reefs, reef benthic spectral discrimination, and is a co-editor and author of a book on the invertebrate fauna of Puerto Rico.

Dr. Torres-Pérez has been an active member of the US Coral Reef Task Force since 2013 and a member of the American Geophysical Union and the American Society for Limnology and Oceanography. In October 2021, Dr. Torres-Pérez was declared a Preferred Citizen of Mayaguez, his hometown in Puerto Rico, in recognition of his contributions to oceanography and Sciencem Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in PR and Latin America.


PhD – Biological Oceanography, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Department of Marine Sciences

MSc – Geological Oceanography, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Department of Marine Sciences

BS – Biology, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Department of Biology

Research Interests

Tropical coastal marine ecosystems ecology, spectroscopy as a tool for discrimination of benthic features, STEM education, remote sensing of coastal ecosystems and water quality

Awards & Honors

  • 2024 – Silver Achievement Medal, NASA Honor Awards
  • 2021 – Named Preferred Son of the City of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico for the contributions to the field of Oceanography and facilitating the education of Hispanic/Latino students in PR and elsewhere.
  • 2019 – NASA Group Achievement Award for the NeMO-Net Field Campaign
  • 2019 – NASA ARSET Capacity Building Program for Outstanding Support of Spanish Trainings
  • 2018 – NASA Group Achievement Award for the C-HARRIER Mission Team
  • 2016 NASA Group Achievement Award for the UCSC-ARC HyspIRI Team
  • 2012 NASA Group Achievement Award for the Coastal and Ocean Airborne Science Testbed (HOPE-COAST 2011)  
  • 2011-2013 – NASA Postdoctoral Program: Ames Research Center
  • 2002-2003 – Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Fellowship
  • 2001-2002 – Puerto Rico Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education Fellowship (National Science Foundation)
  • 2000-2001 – American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Minorities Program
  • 1999-2001 – NASA & UPR’s TCESS Graduate Assistantship Participant
  • 1999 – Internship: US Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experimental Station, Vicksburg, MS.
  • 1995-1997 – NASA (John C. Stennis Space Center) Minorities Fellowships Program

Select Publications

Fraiola, K.M.S., T. Miura, J. Martinez, K.H. Lopes, F. Amidon, J. Torres-Pérez, H.L. Spalding, T. Williams, K. So, E. Sachs, and R.K. Kosaki. 2022. Using commercial high-resolution satellite imagery to monitor a nuisance macroalga in the largest marine protected area in the USA. Coral Reefs.

Torres-Pérez, J.L., C.E. Ramos-Scharrón, W.J. Hernández, R.A. Armstrong, M. Barreto-Orta, J. Ortiz-Zayas, L.S. Guild, and R. Viqueira. 2021. River streamflow, remotely sensed water quality, and benthic composition of previously undescribed nearshore coral reefs in northern Puerto Rico. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8: 720712.

Van Den Bergh, J., V. Chirayath, A. Li, J Torres-Pérez, and M. Segal-Rozenhaimer. 2021. NeMO-Net – Gamifying 3D labeling of multi-modal reference datasets to support automated marine habitat mapping. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:645408.

Cawse-Nicholson, K., P.A. Towsend, …, L.S. Guild, … J.L. Torres-Pérez, the SBG Algorithms Working Group. 2021. NASA’s surface biology and geology designated observable: A perspective on surface imaging algorithms. Rem. Sens. Environ. 257: 112349. 

Li, A., V. Chirayath, M. Segal-Rozenhaimer, J.L. Torres-Pérez, and J. van den Bergh. 2020. NASA’s NeMO-Net convolutional neural network: Mapping marine habitats with spectrally heterogeneous remote sensing imagery. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 13: 5115-5132. 

Chirayath, V., A. Li, J. Torres-Pérez, M. Segal-Rozenhaimer, and J. van den Bergh. 2020. NASA NeMO-Net – A neural multimodal observation and training network for marine ecosystem mapping at diverse spatiotemporal scales. IEEE IGARSS 2020.

Torres-Pérez, J.L., L.S. Guild, R.A. Armstrong, J.E. Corredor, A. Zuluaga-Montero, and R Polanco. 2015. Relative pigment composition and remote sensing reflectance of Caribbean shallow-water corals. PLoS ONE. 10(11): e0143709. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143709.

Palacios, S.L., R.M Kudela, L.S. Guild, K.H. Negrey, J. Torres-Pérez, and J. Broughton. 2015. Remote sensing of phytoplankton functional types in the coastal ocean from the HyspIRI Preparatory Flight Campaign. Remote Sensing Environ. 167: 269-280.

Kudela, R.M., S.L. Palacios, D.C. Austerberry, E.K. Accorsi, L.S. Guild, and J. Torres-Pérez. 2015. Application of hyperspectral remote sensing to cyanobacterial blooms in inland waters. Remote Sensing Environ. 167: 196-205.

Torres-Pérez, J.L., L.S. Guild and R.A. Armstrong. 2012. Hyperspectral distinction of two Caribbean shallow-water corals based on their pigments and corresponding reflectance. Remote Sensing. 4: 3813-3832.

Torres-Pérez, J.L. and R.A. Armstrong. 2012. Effects of UV radiation on the growth, photosynthetic and photoprotective compounds, and reproduction of the Caribbean shallow-water coral Porites furcata. Coral Reefs. 31: 1077-1091.
