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Ivan Glaucio Paulino Lima


Affiliation: Blue Marble Space Institute of Science


Title: Research Scientist


Ph.D. in Biophysics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

MSc in Genetics and Molecular Biology, State University of Londrina, Brazil

BSc Biological Sciences, State University of Londrina, Brazil

Research Interests:

My research topic is related to extremophiles and their adaptations to extreme environments. At Ames Research Center, I joined Dr. Lynn Rothschild’s lab, where we have isolated a wide range of radiation-resistant microorganisms from Deserts with different manganese concentrations. The microbial collection was used to build a database of reflectance spectra that will help astronomers to look for biosignatures on exoplanets. Field experience includes trips to the Atacama Desert (Chile), Sonoran Desert (Arizona), Mount Saint Helens (Washington), Kali Crater (Estonia), Kilauea Volcano (Hawaii) and Death Valley (California). The experience at Dr. Rothschild’s lab led to the opportunity to fly microorganisms in space as Co-I of the PowerCell experiment onboard the EuCROPIS satellite mission ( My role in the mission involved designing, producing and testing bioengineered bacterium Bacillus subtilis for flight and developing a robust, automated, flight-certified genetic transformation protocol. The mission is currently testing three biological experiments in Earth’s orbit under three different gravity regimes (

Select Publications:

Vecchioni S, Capece MC, Toomey E, Nguyen L, Ray A, Greenberg A, Fujishima K, Urbina J, PAULINO-LIMA IG, Pinheiro V, Shih J, Wessel G, Wind SJ, Rothschild L. (2019) Construction and characterization of metal ion-containing DNA nanowires for synthetic biology and nanotechnology. Sci Rep.9(1):6942.

Ii KM, Kono N, PAULINO-LIMA IG, Tomita M, Rothschild LJ, Arakawa K. (2019) Complete Genome Sequence of Arthrobacter sp. Strain MN05-02, a UV-Resistant Bacterium from a Manganese Deposit in the Sonoran Desert. J Genomics, 7:18-25.
Ray S, Cekanaviciute E, PAULINO-LIMA IG, Sørensen BS, Costes SV. (2018) Comparing Photon and Charged Particle Therapy Using DNA Damage Biomarkers. International Journal of Particle Therapy: Summer 2018, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-24.

Cardoso-Rurr JS, de Paiva JP, PAULINO-LIMA, de Alencar TAM, Lage CAS, Leitão AC. (2018) Microbiological Decontamination of Water: Improving the Solar Disinfection Technique (SODIS) with the Use of Nontoxic Vital Dye Methylene Blue. Photochem Photobiol. 95(2):618-62.

Emerson JB, Adams RI, Román CMB, Brooks B, Coil DA, Dahlhausen K, Ganz HH, Hartmann EM, Hsu T, Justice NB, PAULINO-LIMA IG, Luongo JC, Lymperopoulou DS, Gomez-Silvan C, Rothschild-Mancinelli B, Balk M, Huttenhower C, Nocker A, Vaishampayan P, Rothschild LJ. (2017) Schrödinger’s microbes: Tools for distinguishing the living from the dead in microbial ecosystems. Microbiome 5:86, 1-23.

PAULINO-LIMA IG; Fujishima K, Navarrete JU, Galante D, Rodrigues F, Azua-Bustos A, Rothschild LJ. (2016) Extremely high UV-C radiation resistant microorganisms from desert environments with different manganese concentrations. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, 163, 327-336.

Domagal-Goldman SD, Wright KE, Adamala K, de la Rubia LA, Jade B, Dartnell LR, Goldman AD, Lynch K, Naud M, PAULINO-LIMA IG, Kelsi S, Walter-Antonio M, Abrevaya, C, Rika A, Arney G, Atri D, Azúa-Bustos A, Bowman JS, Brazelton WJ, Brennecka GA, Carns R, Chopra A, Colangelo-Lillis J, Crockett CJ, DeMarines J, Frank EA, Frantz C, de la Fuente E, Galante D, Glass J, Gleeson D, Glein CR, Goldblatt C, Horak R, Horodyskyj L, Kaçar B, Kereszturi A, Knowles E, Mayeur P, McGlynn S, Miguel Y, Montgomery M, Neish C, Noack L, Rugheimer S, Stüeken EE, Tamez-Hidalgo P, Walker SI, Wong T. (2016) The Astrobiology Primer 2.0. Astrobiology, 16(8), 561-653.

Holm-Hansen AC, PAULINO-LIMA IG, et al. (2016) Draft genome sequence of Hymenobacter sp. strain AT01- 02, isolated from a surface soil sample in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Genome Announcements, v4, p e01701-15, 2016.

Hegde S, PAULINO-LIMA IG, Kent R, Kaltenegger L, Rothschild LJ. (2015) Surface Surface biosignatures of exo- Earths: Remote detection of extraterrestrial life. PNAS, 112(13), 3886-91.

Accepted Proposals:

(2018) Myco-architecture off planet: growing surface structures at destination (Co-I). Program: NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I.

(2015) PowerCell in space: A demonstration of fundamental synthetic biology technology and biology in space (Co-I). Program: Research Opportunities for Flight Experiments in Space Biology (ILSRA).

(2011) Isolation of Radioresistant Microorganisms from Soils Enriched in Manganese. NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship.

NASA Missions:

2015-present   EuCROPIS satellite mission (

Awards & Others:

2015 Meeting with the President of Brazil, Her Excellency Dilma Rousseff at NASA Ames

2014 First Prize Diaspora Brazil (finalist), Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (Brazil) 

2013 Group Achievement Award, NASA

2011 Elected Student Councilor of The International Astrobiology Society (ISSOL)

2011 NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship (NPP-ORAU), NASA

2009 Best Presentation Ph.D. Students Research Seminars – Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Open University, UK

2006 UNESCO/(SBPC), Brazil – 49o Scientists of Tomorrow Award (Honor)
