Arthur Mizzi
Senior Research Scientist, NASA Earth eXchange (NEX)
Affiliation: Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, NASA Earth eXchange (NEX)
Branch: Biospheric Science Branch (SGE)
Professional Biography
Dr. Mizzi is an expert on data assimilation, regional chemical data assimilation, ‘top-down’ emission estimation, and numerical modeling. He developed WRF-Chem/DART and the “compact phase space retrieval” (CPSR) method for efficient assimilation of trace gas retrieval profiles. With NASA support, he has extended WRF-Chem/DART to ‘top-down’ emissions estimation, wildfire applications, and assimilation of OMI, TROPOMI, and proxy TEMPO retrievals. With continuing NASA support, he is extending WRF-Chem/DART to use the JPL and GMAO global models and assimilate TES, GOME2a, MLS, SCIAMACY, and CrIS retrievals. He is also preparing a 20-year (2005 – 2014) Tropospheric Regional Atmospheric Constituent and Emissions Reanalysis (TRACER-I).
University of Colorado, School of Law J.D (1997)
University of Colorado, Applied Mathematics Ph.D. (1994), M.S. (1989)
University of Virginia, Environmental Science M.S. (1982), B.A. (1977)
2022-present Senior Research Scientist, BAERI/NASA Ames Research Center
2021-present Assistant Research Professor, University of Colorado, Mec-E
2020-2022 Senior Research Fellow, USRA/NASA Ames Research Center
2018-2020 Physical Scientist II, CDPHE/Air Pollution Control Division
2009-2018 Project Scientist II, National Center for Atmospheric Research
1995-2009 Private Environmental Attorney/Consultant, Denver, CO
1981-1995 Associate Scientist III, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Awards and Honors
2023: NASA ROSES ACMAP Research Grant: Tropospheric Regional Atmospheric Constituent and Emissions Reanalysis (TRACER-I 2005 – 2024)
2020: Senior Research Fellow, USRA/NASA Ames Research Center
2015: Organizer for the NCAR ASP 2016 Summer Colloquium titled: Advances in Air Quality Analysis and Prediction: The Interaction of Science and Policy
2014: NCAR/ACOM Outstanding Performance Award
1996: Author of Caspian Sea oil, turmoil, and caviar: Can they provide a basis for a union of the Caspian states in the Colorado Journal of Environmental Law and Policy
1995: Editor for Colorado Journal of Environmental Law and Policy
1982: Invited participant for NATO ASI on: Mesoscale Meteorology – Theories, Observations, and Models
1980: Instructor for Environmental Thermodynamics – Atmospheric Component (selection based on academic performance)
Selected Service Appointments
2023 – Joint Science Meeting for TEMPO, GeoXO ACX, and TOLNET, Air Quality Modeling: panelist
2023 – International Research Station Workshop on Mathematical Approaches for Chemical Data Assimilation and Inverse Modeling, Chemical Data Assimilation: invited speaker
2022 – NASA Chemical Data Assimilation Working Group: member
2021 – 10th International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research: invited speaker2020 Air Quality Modeling Symposium and Training Workshop for Capacity Building in Mexico: invited speaker
- 2023: Hsu, C.-H., D. Henze, A. P. Mizzi, and B. McDonald, 2022. How well can assimilation of geostationary trace-gas observations constrain NOx emissions in the US? [to be submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres].
- 2024: Pouyaei, A., A. P. Mizzi, Y. Choi, and S. Mousavinezhad, 2022, The dynamics and chemistry of ozone plumes during the 2019 Williams Flats wildfire from WRF-Chem/DART assimilation of OMI NO2, HCHO, and MODIS AOD retrievals, [submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres].
- 2021: Zhang, Q., M. Li, M. Wang, A. P. Mizzi, Y. Huang, C. Wei, J. Jin, Q. Gu, CO2 flux over the contiguous United States in 2016 inversed by WRF-Chem/DART from OCO-2 XCO2 retrievals. Remote Sens 2021, 13, 2996.
- 2021: Liu, X., A. P. Mizzi, J. L. Anderson, I. Fung, and R. Cohen, The potential for geostationary remote sensing of NO2 to improve weather prediction. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 9573-9583, 2021.
- 2020: Zhang, Q., M. Li, C. Wei, A. P. Mizzi, Y. Huang, and Q. Gu, Assimilation of OCO-2 retrievals with WRF-Chem/DART: A case study for the Midwestern United States. Atmospheric Environment, 246, 118106, 2020.118106.
- 2019: Ma, C., T. Wang, A. P. Mizzi, and J. L. Anderson, B., Zhuang, M. Xie, R. Wu, Multiconstituent data assimilation with WRF-Chem/DART: Potential for adjusting anthropogenic emissions and improving air quality over eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 7393-7412, https:/
- 2018: Mizzi, A. P., D. P. Edwards, and J. L. Anderson, Assimilating compact phase space retrievals (CPSRs): Comparison with independent observations (MOZAIC in situ and IASI retrievals) and extension to assimilation of truncated retrieval profiles. Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 3727-3745
- 2017: Liu, X., A. P. Mizzi, J. L. Anderson, I. Fung, and R. C. Cohen, Assimilation of satellite NO2 observations at high spatial resolution using OSSEs. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, 7067-7081.
- 2016: Mizzi, A. P., A. F. Arellano, D. P. Edwards, J. L. Anderson, and G. G. Pfister, Assimilating compact phase space retrievals of atmospheric composition with WRF-Chem/DART: A regional chemical transport/ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system. Geosci. Model Dev. 9, 965-978.
- 2015: Xu, D., X.-Y. Huang, H. Wang, A. P. Mizzi, and J. Min, Impact of assimilating radiances with WRFDA ETKF/3DVAR hybrid system on prediction of two typhoons in 2012. Journal of Meteorological Research, 29, 28-40. DOI: 10.1007/s13351-014-4053-z
- 2004: Mizzi, A. P., EPA’s new source review and routine maintenance, repair, and replacement reforms. 33 Colo. Law. 7, 105-12.
- 2004: Mizzi, A. P., Impact of the Supreme Court’s holding in SWANCC v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Tenth Circuit case law. 30Colo. Law. 7, 109-12.
- 2000: Mizzi, A. P., Recent trends for environmental damages under continuing tort and trespass in Colorado. 29 Colo. Law. 7, 111-14.
- 1999: Mizzi, A. P., Review: Environmental Science Deskbook: A Comprehensive Guide, 28 Colo. Law. 10, 78-79.
- 1996: Mizzi, A. P., Note, Caspian Sea oil, turmoil, and caviar: Can they provide a basis for a union of the Caspian states? 7Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 483
- 1996: Kasahara, A., and A. P. Mizzi, Use of precipitation data for diabatic initialization to improve the tropical analysis of divergence and moisture. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 60, 143-156.
- 1995: Mizzi, A. P., J. Tribbia, and J. Curry, Vertical spectral representation in primitive equation models of the atmosphere. Monthly Weather Review, 123, 2426- 2446.
- 1994: Mizzi, A. P., Spectral representation of the vertical coordinate in three- dimensional atmospheric models on tropical b– and f-planes. Ph.D. Dissertation for Applied Mathematics Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 254 pp.
- 1992: Kasahara, A., A. P. Mizzi, and L. J. Donner, Impacts of cumulus initialization upon the spin-up of precipitation forecasts in the tropics. Monthly Weather Review, 120, 1360-1380.
- 1992: Kasahara, A., and A. P. Mizzi, Estimates of tropical analysis differences in daily values produced by two operational centers. Monthly Weather Review, 120, 279-302.
- 1989: Mizzi, A. P., and A. Kasahara, Intercomparison of daily variations of atmospheric variables including diabatic heating rates from the ECMWF, GFDL and GLA FGGE Level IIIb analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research, 94, 14,717- 14,748.
- 1987: Kasahara, A., A. P. Mizzi, and U. C. Mohanty, Comparison of global diabatic heating rates from FGGE Level IIIb analyses with satellite radiation imagery data. Monthly Weather Review, 115, 2904-2935.
- 1984: Mizzi, A.P., and R. Pielke, A numerical study of the mesoscale atmospheric circulation observed during a coastal upwelling event on August 23, 1972, Part I: Sensitivity studies. Monthly Weather Review, 112, 76-90.
- 1982: Mizzi, A.P., A numerical investigation of the mesoscale atmospheric circulation in the Oregon coastal zone with a coupled atmosphere-ocean model. M.S. Thesis for Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, 114 pp.