PP&C Acronyms
The NASA Cost Estimating & Analysis, Schedule Management, and EVM communities worked together to create a comprehensive list of PP&C acronyms.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z
AA Associate Administrator
AACE Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering
AATE Architectural Assessment Tool—enhanced
ABC Agency Baseline Commitment
AC Actual Cost
ACE Automated Cost Estimator
ACEIT Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tool
ACO Administrative Contracting Officer
ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed
ADA U.S. Anti-Deficiency Act or Americans with Disabilities Act
ADM Arrow Diagramming Method
AFES NASA’s Award Fee Evaluation System
AFCAA Air Force Cost Analysis Agency
AFCRUH Air Force Cost Risk and Uncertainty Handbook
AFRC NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center
AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network
AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process
AIA American Institute of Architects
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIS Automated Information System
AI&T Assembly, Integration, and Test
ALAP As Late As Possible
ALR Audit Liaison Representative
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AO Announcement of Opportunity
AOA Analysis of Alternatives
AoA Activity on Arrow
AON Activity on Node
APAC Agency Programmatic Analysis Capability
APMC Agency Program Management Council
APPEL Academy of Program and Project Leadership
ARC NASA Ames Research Center
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ASM Acquisition Strategy Meeting
ASP Acquisition Strategy Planning
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AT Actual Time
ATP Authority/Authorization to Proceed
BAC Budget at Completion
BCA Business Case Analysis
BCR Baseline Change Request
BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
BCWR Budgeted Cost for Work Remaining
BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
BD NASA HQ OCFO Budget Division
BEI Baseline Execution Index
BoE Basis of Estimate
BOL Beginning of Life
BOM Bill of Materials
BP Best Practice
BPR Baseline Performance Review
BST Beginning of System Test
BY Base Year
CA Control Account
CAD Cost Analysis Division
CADRe Cost Analysis Data Requirement
CAIG Cost Analysis Improvement Group
CAIV Cost As an Independent Variable
CAM Control Account Manager
CAP Control Account Plan or Corrective Action Plan
CAR Corrective Action Request
CBA Cost Benefit Analysis
CBB Contract Budget Baseline
CBE Current Best Estimate
CBI Confidential Business Information
CBS Cost Breakdown Structure
CCB Configuration Control Board
CCE Current Cost Estimate
CCM Critical Chain Method
CDF Cumulative Distribution Function
CDR Critical Design Review
CDRL Contract Data Requirements List
CEA Cost Estimation and Analysis
CEH NASA Cost Estimating Handbook
CEI Current Execution Index
CER Cost Estimating Relationship
CES Cost Element Structure
CFD Cash Flow Diagram
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFOU Chief Financial Officer University
CFU Cost of First Unit
CL Confidence Level (one-dimensional modeling)
CLIN Contract Line Item Number
CM Configuration Management
CMC Center Management Councils
CM/DM Configuration Management and Data Management
CMO Center Management and Operations
CNF Cost-No-Fee (contract type)
CNSI Classified National Security Information
CO Contracting Officer
COBRA Complexity-Based Requirements Analysis
COCOMO Constructive Cost Model
CoF Construction of Facilities
CONOPS Concept of Operations
ConstY Constant Year Dollars
COR Contracting Officer’s Representative
COTR Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative
COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
CPAF Cost Plus Award Fee
CPARS Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System
CPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee
CPI Cost Performance Index
CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee
CPLI Critical Path Length Index
CPM Critical Path Method
CPR Contractor Performance Report
CPTF Critical Path Total Float
CR Continuing Resolution
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CRF Capital Recovery Factor
CRM Continuous Risk Management
CSLA Commercial Space Launch Act
CSRUH Joint Cost and Schedule Risk and Uncertainty Handbook
CurrY Current Year Dollars
CV Coefficient of Variation
CWBS Contractor Work Breakdown Structure
CY Calendar Year or Constant Year or Current Year
DA Decision Authority
DAU U.S. Defense Acquisition University
DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCF Discounted Cash Flow
DCI (GAO) Data Collection Instrument
DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency
DCPLX Development Complexities
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
DDT&E Design Development Test and Evaluation
DEL Payload Delivery
DES Discrete Event Simulation
DI-MGMT-81861 Data Item Description, Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR)
DID Data Item Description
DL Design Life
DM Decision Memorandum & Data Manager
DODI Department of Defense Instruction
DPMC Mission Directorate Program Management Council
DPMR Deputy Project Manager/Resources
DQI Data Quality Indicator
DR Data Requirements & Decommissioning Review
DRD Data Requirements Description
DSN Deep Space Network
E2O Earth-to-Orbit
EA Economic Analysis or Environmental Assessment
EAC Estimate at Completion
EAR Export Administration Regulations
ECASG Executive Cost Analysis Steering Group
EIA Electronic Industries Alliance
EIA-748 Electronic Industries Alliance – 748
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EIV Errors in Variables
EM Engineering Model
ENR Engineering News Record
EOC Elements of Cost
EOL End of Life
EOM End of Mission
EOY End-of-Year
EPR Estimated Price Reports
ES Earned Schedule
EST End of System Test
ESA European Space Agency
ETC Estimate to Complete
EUAC Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost
EUAW Equivalent Uniform Annual Worth
EV Earned Value
EVM Earned Value Management
EVM FP Earned Value Management Focal Point
EVM FPWG Earned Value Management Focal Point Working Group
EVMS Earned Value Management System
ExAOCM Exploration Architectures Operations Cost Model
FA Formulation Agreement
FAD Formulation Authorization Document
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations
FBS Functional Breakdown Structure
FDO Fee Determination Official
FFP Firm Fixed-Price
FFRDC Federally Funded Research and Development Center
FICA U.S. Federal Insurance Contributions Act
FLA First Launch Availability
FMR Financial Management Requirements
FNET Finish No Earlier Than
FNLT Finish No Later Than
FP&D Facility Planning and Design
FPA Focal Plane Array
FPAF Fixed Price with Award Fee (contract type)
FPAM Focal Plane Array Business-as-Should-Be Cost Model
FPI Fixed Price Incentive (contract type)
FPIF Fixed-Price Incentive Fee
FPR Facility Project Requirements
FRR Flight Readiness Review
FTE Full Time Equivalent
FV Future Value
FY Fiscal Year
G&A General and Administrative (expense)
GAO Government Accountability Office
GDS Ground Data System
GEM-FLO Generic Environment for Modeling Future Launch Vehicle Operations
GFE Government Furnished Equipment
GFI Government Furnished Information
GFP Government Furnished Property
GPE Governmentwide Point of Entry
GPMC Governing Program Management Council
GR&A Ground Rules & Assumptions
GRC NASA Glenn Research Center
GSA U.S. General Services Administration
GSE Ground Support Equipment
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
HMI Hit or Miss Index
HOT Hands-On Training
HQ Headquarters
I&T Integration and Test
IA Independent Assessment
IAA Interagency Agreement
IBR Integrated Baseline Review
ICAM Industrial Base Capability Assessment
ICC Initial Operating Capability
ICD Interface Control Document
ICE Independent Cost Estimate, In-house Cost Estimate
ICSAT Integrated Cost and Schedule Analysis Tool
ICSRA Integrated Cost Schedule Risk Analysis
IDC Indefinite-Delivery Contract
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (contract vehicle)
IdMAX Identity Management and Account Exchange
IEAC Independent Estimate At Completion
IG Inspector General
IMP Integrated Master Plan
IMS Integrated Master Schedule
IPMD Integrated Program Management Division
IPMR Integrated Program Management Report
IPT Integrated Product/Project Team
IPA U.S. Intergovernmental Personnel Act
IPAO Independent Program Assessment Office
IPMR Integrated Program Management Report
IR Infrared
IRR Internal Rate of Return
IRT Independent Review Team
ISS International Space Station
IT Information Technology
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
JACS Joint Analysis of Cost and Schedule
JCL Joint Confidence Level
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JSC Johnson Space Center
JSCC Joint Space Cost Council
KDP Key Decision Point
KDR Key Driving Requirement
KPP Key Performance Parameter
KSC NASA (John F.) Kennedy Space Center
LaRC NASA Langley Research Center
LCC Life Cycle Cost
LCCE Life-Cycle Cost Estimate
LCR Life Cycle Review
LOA Letter of Agreement
LOGO Limit of Government Obligation
LOE Level of Effort
LRD Launch Readiness Date
LSBF Least Square Best Fit
LV Launch Vehicle
LVCM Launch Vehicle Cost Model
LxC Likelihood x Consequence
M Million
MA Management Agreement
MADCAM Microwave and Digital Cost Analysis Model
MAUT Multi-Attribute Utility Theory
MCC Mission Control Center
MCPLX Manufacturing Complexities
MCR Mission Concept Review
MD Mission Directorate
MDAA Mission Directorate Associate Administrator
MDR Mission Definition Review
MDR/SDR Mission Definition Review or System Definition Review
MEL Master Equipment List
MESSOC Model for Estimating Space Station Operations Costs
MFO Must Finish On
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MODA Mission Operations and Data Analysis
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MOY Middle-of-Year
MPAR Major Program Annual Report
MPE-ZPB Minimum Percentage Error–Zero Percentage Bias
MR Management Reserve
MRR Mission Readiness Review
MS Microsoft
MSE Mean Squared Error
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
MSO Must Start On
MSOD Mission Support Office Director
MSR Monthly Status Review
MUPE Minimum Unbiased Percentage Error
N2 NASA budget database
NAFCOM NASA Air Force Cost Model
NAII NASA Advisory Implementing Instruction
NAMS NASA Access Management System
NAR Non-Advocate Review
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA FAR NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation
NCG NRO Cost Group
NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement
NEO Near-Earth Object
NFS NASA FAR Supplement
NDIA National Defense Industrial Association
NICM NASA Instrument Cost Model
NID NASA Interim Directives
NOA New Obligation Authority
NODIS NASA Online Directive Information System
NPD NASA Policy Directive
NPR NASA Procedural Requirements
NPV Net Present Value
NRA NASA Research Announcement
NRE Non-Recurring Engineering
NRO National Reconnaissance Office
NRRS NASA Records Retention Schedule
NSCKN NASA Safety Center Knowledge Now
NSPD National Security Presidential Directive
NSM NASA Structure Management
NTP Notice to Proceed/Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
O&M Operations and Maintenance
O&S Operations and Support
OBS Organization Breakdown Structure
OCC NASA HQ Office of the Chief Counsel
OCE NASA HQ Office of the Chief Engineer
OCFO NASA HQ Office of the Chief Financial Officer
OCM Operations Cost Model
ODBC Open Database Connectivity
ODC Other Direct Cost
OGC NASA HQ Office of General Counsel
OIG NASA HQ Office of the Inspector General
OIIR NASA HQ Office of International and Interagency Relations
OIS-D Operational Intercom System—Digital
OJT On-the-Job Training
OLIA NASA HQ Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
OLS Ordinary Least Squares
OMB Office of Management and Budget
ONCE One NASA Cost Engineering Database
OoE Office of Evaluation
OPR Office of Primary Responsibilities
OPRA Oracle Primavera Risk Analysis
ORR Operational Readiness Review
OTS Over Target Schedule
P/p Program/project
P/pM Program/project Manager
P/S Planner/Scheduler
PA&E Program Analysis and Evaluation Office
PAR Program Assessment Review
PBB Project Budget Base
PBR President’s Budget Request
PBS Product Breakdown Structure
PCA Project Commitment Agreement
P-CAM Project Control Account Managers
PCC Program Cost Commitment
PCEC Project Cost Estimating Capability (tool)
PCLS Probabilistic Cost-Loaded Schedule
PCM Project Control Milestone
PDF Probability Density Function
PDM Precedence Diagramming Method
PDR Preliminary Design Review
PDRI Project Definition Rating Index
PE Principal Engineer
PEB Performance Evaluation Board
PEP Performance Evaluation Plan
PER Preliminary Engineering Report/Phasing Estimating Rela
PERT Program Evaluation Review Technique
PFA Program/project Formulation Agreement
PI Principal Investigator
PIR Program Implementation Review
PLS Partial Least Squares
PM Program/Project Manager
PMB Performance Measurement Baseline
PMBOK Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge
PMC Program Management Council
PMCM Parametric Mission Cost Model
PMI Project Management Institute
PMP Project Management Plan
PMT Performance Measurement Techniques
PO Purchase Order
POC Point of Contact
PP&C Project Planning and Control
PPBE Program Planning Budget Execution
PPR Periodic Project Review
PR Purchase Requisition
PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment
PRR Preliminary Requirements Review
P/S Planner/Scheduler
PSM Procurement Strategy Meeting
PSR Program Status Review
PV Present Value
QA Quality Assurance
QRA Quantitative Risk Analysis
QSR Quarterly Status Review
QTIPS Quantitative Techniques Incorporating Phasing and Schedule
R2 Coefficient of Determination
R&D Research and Development
R&T Research and Technology
RAM Responsibility Assignment Matrix
RBS Resource Breakdown Structure
RCA Root Cause Analysis
RDT&E Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
Rec/Del Receivable/Deliverable
REDSTAR Resource Data Storage and Retrieval
RFA Request for Action
RFI Request for Information
RFP Request for Proposal
RFQ Request for Quotation
RID Review Item Discrepancy
RIDM Risk-Informed Decision Making
RLS Resource-Loaded Schedule
RMP Risk Management Plan
RMS Risk Management System
ROM Rough Order of Magnitude
ROR Rate of Return
RP Recommended Practice
RSAT Risk Scenario Automation Tool
RSD Relative Standard Deviation
RTG Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
SAA Space Act Agreement
SAAM Space Act Agreement Maker (system)
SAP Systems Application Products (financial system)
SATERN System for Administration, Training, and Educational Resources for NASA
SBU Sensitive But Unclassified
SCAT Software Cost Analysis Tool
SCoPe Schedule Community of Practice
SDR System Definition Review
SE Systems Engineering or Standard Error of Estimate
SE&I Systems Engineering and Integration
SEB Source Evaluation Board
SEMP Systems Engineering Management Plan
SEPM Systems Engineering/Program Management
SER Schedule Estimating Relationship
SERRA Schedule Estimating Relationship Risk Assessment
SID Strategic Investments Division
SIES Supervision, Inspection, Engineering, and Services
SIR System Integration Review
SIV Savings/Investment Ratio
SLOC Software Lines of Code
SLR Simple Linear Regression
SMA Safety and Mission Assurance
SMART Schedule Management and Relationship Tool
SMD Science Mission Directorate
SME Subject Matter Expert
SMH (NASA) Schedule Management Handbook
SMP Schedule Management Plan
SNET Start No Earlier Than
SNLT Start No Later Than
SNPPCM Space Nuclear Power/Propulsion Cost Model
SOPI Standing Operating Procedure Instructions
SOW Statement of Work
SP Special Publication
SPG Strategic Planning Guidance
SPI (Time Based) Schedule Performance Index
SRA Schedule Risk Analysis
SRB Standing Review Board
SRR System Requirements Review
SS Subsystem
SSC NASA (John C.) Stennis Space Center
SSCM Small Satellite Cost Model
SSE Sum of Squared Errors
SSR Sum of Squared Regression
SSI Schedule Sensitivity Index
SST Sum of Squared Total
STAT Schedule Test and Assessment Tool
STE Special Test Equipment
SUA Software Usage Agreement
SV Schedule Variance
T&E Test and Evaluation
T&M Time and Materials (contract type)
TA Task Agreement
TAB Total Allocated Budget
TBD To Be Determined
TBE Technical Baseline Estimate
TBR To Be Resolved
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TCPI To Complete Performance Index
TCSR Technical, Cost, Schedule, and Risk (report)
TD Time Dependent (cost)
TDRSS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
TF Total Float
TFCI Total Float Consumption Index
TI Time Independent (cost)
TSC Technical Schedule Cost
TOA Total Obligation Authority
TOC Total Ownership Cost
ToR Terms of Reference
TPM Technical Performance Measure
TPOC Technical Point of Contact
TRANSCOST Space Transportation Cost Model
TRL Technology Readiness Level
TY Then Year
UB Undistributed Budget
U/C Uncertainty
UCA Undefinitized Contract Action
UFE Unallocated Future Expense(s)
UID Unique Identifiers
USCM Unmanned Spacecraft Cost Model
VAI Vision Analytics, Inc.
VBA Visual Basic for Application
VAC Variance at Completion
VHSIC/VLSI Very High Speed Integrated Circuits/Very Large Scale Integration
WAD Work Authorization Document
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
WP Work Package
WYE Work Year Equivalent
ZPB/MPE Zero Percent Bias/Minimum Percent Error also known as ZMPE