NASA on Monday released its Fiscal Year 2013 Agency Financial Report detailing financial results, performance highlights, and its third consecutive unmodified, or clean, audit opinion.
An independent auditor found NASA has no material weaknesses, resolved the last significant deficiency carried over from fiscal 2012, and complied with applicable laws.
“2013 marks our third clean audit opinion in the last 11 years of NASA’s history, and this year’s audit opinion is truly clean,” said NASA Chief Financial Officer Beth Robinson. “Over the past several years, NASA implemented a number of process improvements and controls to further strengthen our stewardship of taxpayer dollars. Our financial performance this past fiscal year reflects our continued commitment to managing our finances effectively and efficiently.”
An unmodified opinion is the highest rating that may be received from an external auditor. It affirms NASA’s financial statements fairly present the agency’s financial position and result of operations. The independent assessment of the agency’s financial stewardship of taxpayer resources demonstrates the agency’s strong financial foundation as it continues to launch cutting-edge science and technology missions and prepares to embark on a new chapter of exploration.
NASA also produces an Annual Performance Report describing programmatic accomplishments. It will be released early next year with the president’s budget request for fiscal year 2015.
For more information and to view the 2013 Agency Financial Report, visit:
For more information about NASA and agency programs, visit:
David Weaver
Headquarters, Washington